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planta medicinal

English translation of planta medicinal

medicinal plant

The Spanish term 'planta medicinal' translates to 'medicinal plant' in English. These are typically plants discovered and developed to be used in pharmacognosy, which is the study of drugs derived from plants. The use of medicinal plants has a long history in the treatment of diseases and health maintenance and are found vital, owing to the fact that they are naturally occurring, biodegradable, and less likely than synthetic drugs to have unsettling side effects. Many modern substances were and are still derived from plants.

Example sentences using: planta medicinal

La manzanilla es una planta medicinal muy utilizada en la sociedad.

English translation of La manzanilla es una planta medicinal muy utilizada en la sociedad.

Chamomile is a medicinal plant widely used in society.

This example indicates the common usage of chamomile, a medicinal plant, within society.

En mi jardín, cultivo una variedad de plantas medicinales.

English translation of En mi jardín, cultivo una variedad de plantas medicinales.

In my garden, I cultivate a variety of medicinal plants.

This sentence refers to the speaker's activity of growing various medicinal plants in their garden.

La planta medicinal de aloe vera tiene numerosos beneficios para la piel.

English translation of La planta medicinal de aloe vera tiene numerosos beneficios para la piel.

The medicinal plant of aloe vera has numerous benefits for the skin.

The example describes the skin benefits of aloe vera, a type of medicinal plant.

Uso la planta medicinal de lavanda para hacer aceites esenciales.

English translation of Uso la planta medicinal de lavanda para hacer aceites esenciales.

I use the medicinal plant of lavender to make essential oils.

This sentence includes an account of the speaker using the medicinal plant lavender to create essential oils.

La planta medicinal de menta puede aliviar el dolor de estómago.

English translation of La planta medicinal de menta puede aliviar el dolor de estómago.

The medicinal plant of mint can alleviate stomach pain.

This phrase mentions the stomach pain-relieving properties of mint, a medicinal plant.

El té de hierbas de esta planta medicinal es muy relajante.

English translation of El té de hierbas de esta planta medicinal es muy relajante.

Herbal tea from this medicinal plant is very relaxing.

The example describes how a tea made from an unspecified medicinal plant can produce a calming effect.

La investigación sobre esta planta medicinal muestra su potencial antiinflamatorio.

English translation of La investigación sobre esta planta medicinal muestra su potencial antiinflamatorio.

Research on this medicinal plant shows its anti-inflammatory potential.

The phrase refers to scientific research uncovering the anti-inflammatory properties of a certain medicinal plant.

La planta medicinal de hibisco puede ayudar a regular la presión arterial.

English translation of La planta medicinal de hibisco puede ayudar a regular la presión arterial.

The medicinal plant of hibiscus can help regulate blood pressure.

In this sentence, the reader learns that the medicinal plant hibiscus can potentially maintain a balanced blood pressure.

Debes tener cuidado al consumir cualquier planta medicinal sin la supervisión adecuada.

English translation of Debes tener cuidado al consumir cualquier planta medicinal sin la supervisión adecuada.

You should be careful when consuming any medicinal plant without adequate supervision.

The example provides a cautionary statement about the unsupervised consumption of medicinal plants.

Esta planta medicinal tiene una historia rica en la medicina tradicional.

English translation of Esta planta medicinal tiene una historia rica en la medicina tradicional.

This medicinal plant has a rich history in traditional medicine.

This phrase describes the significant role a specific medicinal plant had in traditional ways of medical treatment.