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planta acuática

English translation of planta acuática

Aquatic plant

The term 'planta acuática' is Spanish for 'aquatic plant'. An aquatic plant is a type of plant that has adapted to living in water environments (saltwater or freshwater). They are also referred to as hydrophytes, macrophytes, or waterplants. These plants require special adaptations for living submerged in water, or at the water's surface, including but not limited to floating leaves, finely dissected leaves or breathing roots.

Example sentences using: planta acuática

La planta acuática es esencial para el ecosistema del lago.

English translation of La planta acuática es esencial para el ecosistema del lago.

The aquatic plant is essential for the lake's ecosystem.

This sentence refers to the vital role that aquatic plants play in maintaining the balance of a lake's ecosystem. These plants serve a variety of purposes, including providing oxygen, food and shelter for aquatic life.

Esta planta acuática es atractiva pero invasiva.

English translation of Esta planta acuática es atractiva pero invasiva.

This aquatic plant is attractive but invasive.

This sentence describes an aquatic plant that is physically appealing but tends to grow rapidly and excessively, often out-competing native plants and altering habitats.

Mi objetivo es proteger esta especie de planta acuática de la extinción.

English translation of Mi objetivo es proteger esta especie de planta acuática de la extinción.

My goal is to protect this species of aquatic plant from extinction.

This sentence refers to a person's aim to safeguard a specific species of aquatic plant from becoming extinct, involving its preservation and protection from threats.

La planta acuática proporciona un hábitat para muchas especies de peces.

English translation of La planta acuática proporciona un hábitat para muchas especies de peces.

The aquatic plant provides a habitat for many species of fish.

This sentence refers to how aquatic plants serve as a home or habitat for various species of fish offering places for shelter, nesting and reproduction.

La planta acuática ayuda a mantener el agua limpia y clara.

English translation of La planta acuática ayuda a mantener el agua limpia y clara.

The aquatic plant helps to keep the water clean and clear.

This sentence indicates how aquatic plants contribute to water quality by absorbing excess nutrients, removing waste and providing oxygen.

Esta planta acuática tiene flores sorprendentemente hermosas.

English translation of Esta planta acuática tiene flores sorprendentemente hermosas.

This aquatic plant has surprisingly beautiful flowers.

This sentence reflects the beauty of the blooms of an aquatic plant which can often be overlooked given their common underwater habitats.

La planta acuática libera oxígeno durante el día.

English translation of La planta acuática libera oxígeno durante el día.

The aquatic plant releases oxygen during the day.

In this sentence, it highlights the role of aquatic plants in photosynthesis, a process in which plants convert sunlight into energy and release oxygen as a byproduct.

La planta acuática es una fuente de alimento para los patos.

English translation of La planta acuática es una fuente de alimento para los patos.

The aquatic plant is a source of food for the ducks.

This sentence points to the role of aquatic plants as a food source for certain creatures, such as ducks in this instance.

Hay una gran diversidad de vida en una sola planta acuática.

English translation of Hay una gran diversidad de vida en una sola planta acuática.

There is a great diversity of life on a single aquatic plant.

This sentence highlights the biodiversity that a single aquatic plant can support, including various microbial, plant, and animal species.

Mi acuario necesita una planta acuática para equilibrar el sistema ecológico.

English translation of Mi acuario necesita una planta acuática para equilibrar el sistema ecológico.

My aquarium needs an aquatic plant to balance the ecological system.

This sentence emphasizes on how an aquatic plant is needed in an aquarium to help in maintaining balance in its ecological system allowing a healthy environment for fishes and any other species in it.