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pista de aterrizaje

English translation of pista de aterrizaje

Landing track

The Spanish term 'pista de aterrizaje' translates to 'landing track' in English. It is a common term used in aviation and it refers to a specially prepared surface on an airport which airplanes use to land and take off. The landing track is an essential part of an airport's infrastructure. In Spanish, 'pista' means 'track' and 'aterrizaje' means 'landing', which gives us 'pista de aterrizaje' or 'landing track' when translated.

Example sentences using: pista de aterrizaje

El avión aterrizó suavemente en la pista de aterrizaje.

English translation of El avión aterrizó suavemente en la pista de aterrizaje.

The plane landed softly on the landing strip.

This sentence is used to express the action of a plane landing on a landing strip in a smooth manner. 'Suavemente' describes the manner of the action and can be altered to change the meaning of the sentence.

La pista de aterrizaje estaba resbaladiza debido a la lluvia.

English translation of La pista de aterrizaje estaba resbaladiza debido a la lluvia.

The landing strip was slippery because of the rain.

In this context, the sentence is used to describe the condition of the landing strip being slippery due to rain. This sentence can be used when discussing the impact of weather conditions on aviation safety.

Vimos la pista de aterrizaje a medida que el avión descendía.

English translation of Vimos la pista de aterrizaje a medida que el avión descendía.

We saw the landing strip as the plane was descending.

This example sentence indicates that the passengers in a plane notice the landing strip as the plane is going downwards. The phrase 'a medida que' is used to describe an action that is happening simultaneously with another.