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English translation of pintor


'Pintor' refers to a person who paints, especially as a job. Although it's often used to refer to a male painter, it can be used gender-neutrally.

Example sentences using: pintor

Mi padre es un pintor profesional.

English translation of Mi padre es un pintor profesional.

My father is a professional painter.

This sentence means my father works as a painter by profession. 'Pintor' in Spanish translates to painter in English.

El pintor está pintando la pared.

English translation of El pintor está pintando la pared.

The painter is painting the wall.

This sentence is a straightforward explanation of a painter who is presently involved in the act of painting a wall.

El pintor usó colores brillantes en su pintura.

English translation of El pintor usó colores brillantes en su pintura.

The painter used bright colors in his painting.

This sentence describes a situation where a painter used bright colors for his artwork, the word 'pintor' means painter in English.

El pintor Pablo Picasso es muy famoso.

English translation of El pintor Pablo Picasso es muy famoso.

The painter Pablo Picasso is very famous.

This statement tells that the painter, specifically named Pablo Picasso, is well known globally.

Quiero ser un pintor como Van Gogh.

English translation of Quiero ser un pintor como Van Gogh.

I want to be a painter like Van Gogh.

The sentence is expressing a desire to become a painter, similar to the famous painter Van Gogh.

El pintor siempre limpia sus pinceles después de pintar.

English translation of El pintor siempre limpia sus pinceles después de pintar.

The painter always cleans his brushes after painting.

This sentence shares that the painter has a habit of cleaning their painting tools, especially brushes, after they finish painting.

Mi mejor amigo es un pintor talentoso.

English translation of Mi mejor amigo es un pintor talentoso.

My best friend is a talented painter.

This sentence expresses the speaker's admiration for their best friend's painting skills.

Pedro estudio para ser pintor en la universidad.

English translation of Pedro estudio para ser pintor en la universidad.

Pedro studied to be a painter at university.

This sentence provides information about Pedro's educational background related to painting.

El pintor interpreta el mundo en su lienzo.

English translation of El pintor interpreta el mundo en su lienzo.

The painter interprets the world on his canvas.

The sentence suggests that a painter uses his artwork, particularly on a canvas, to depict their interpretation of the world.

La hija del pintor también tiene un talento para el arte.

English translation of La hija del pintor también tiene un talento para el arte.

The painter's daughter also has a talent for art.

This sentence indicates that the painter's daughter also has the gift or knack for creating artwork.

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