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pintar al óleo

English translation of pintar al óleo

paint in oil

The term 'pintar al óleo' in Spanish refers to the act of creating artwork using oil-based pigments. Oil painting is a revered form of artwork with a long historical tradition, particularly in Western art. The vibrant, rich colors of oil paint offer great versatility and longevity, allowing an artist to create a variety of effects and textures. The term encompasses not just the act of painting, but also the artistic intent, technique, and tradition implicated in the utilization of oil-based pigments.

Example sentences using: pintar al óleo

Mi hermano está aprendiendo a pintar al óleo en su clase de arte.

English translation of Mi hermano está aprendiendo a pintar al óleo en su clase de arte.

My brother is learning to oil paint in his art class.

In this sentence, 'pintar al óleo' is used to describe the action of learning to oil paint. The process of oil painting often involves creating artwork using pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil.

¿Quieres venir a ver cómo voy a pintar al óleo este paisaje?

English translation of ¿Quieres venir a ver cómo voy a pintar al óleo este paisaje?

Do you want to come see how I'm going to oil paint this landscape?

This sentence is from an invitation to watch the speaker paint a landscape using the 'pintar al óleo' technique. This technique of painting enhances the depth and texture of the landscape on canvas.

Hoy en la tarde, planeo pintar al óleo un retrato de mi madre.

English translation of Hoy en la tarde, planeo pintar al óleo un retrato de mi madre.

This afternoon, I plan to oil paint a portrait of my mother.

The speaker is stating their intent to paint a portrait of their mother using the 'pintar al óleo' technique in the coming afternoon. Painting portraits in oil can capture the complex variations of color and light on the human face.

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