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pintar a la acuarela

English translation of pintar a la acuarela

paint in watercolor

The Spanish phrase 'pintar a la acuarela' translates to 'paint in watercolor' in English. This phrase refers to the act of creating art by mixing water-soluble pigments with a binder, and then applying them to paper, canvas, or other mediums. This technique allows for great flexibility and subtlety of color, as the artist can vary the amount of water used, often leading to a highly luminous effect. Watercolor painting is especially appreciated for its spontaneity, light effects, and delicate, airy touch.

Example sentences using: pintar a la acuarela

Yo voy a pintar a la acuarela este paisaje.

English translation of Yo voy a pintar a la acuarela este paisaje.

I'm going to paint this landscape with watercolors.

This phrase describes a future action, and means the speaker intent to use watercolors to depict a landscape.

Puedes pintar a la acuarela el retrato de María?

English translation of Puedes pintar a la acuarela el retrato de María?

Can you paint María's portrait with watercolors?

The speaker is asking someone if they have the skill or ability to paint a portrait of María using watercolors.

Hoy mi maestra me enseñó cómo pintar a la acuarela.

English translation of Hoy mi maestra me enseñó cómo pintar a la acuarela.

Today my teacher taught me how to paint with watercolors.

This phrase tells that the speaker learned how to paint with watercolors. The instruction happened today and the teacher was the one who provided the lesson.

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