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English translation of piar

to cheep

The Spanish verb 'piar' is used to describe the sound that young birds make, which is usually rendered in English as 'to chirp' or 'to peep'. It is essentially the equivalent of the English phrase 'the chicks are chirping'. It is interesting to note that in Spanish, as in English, this verb is not normally used to refer to the sounds made by adult birds.

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Example sentences using: piar

Los polluelos comenzaron a piar al ver a su madre.

English translation of Los polluelos comenzaron a piar al ver a su madre.

The chicks began to chirp when they saw their mother.

In this sentence, 'piar' is used to describe the sound that baby birds (chicks) make, which is 'chirp' in English. The sentence implies the presence of the mother triggers the chicks to chirp.

El pájaro en la jaula no dejaba de piar en todo el día.

English translation of El pájaro en la jaula no dejaba de piar en todo el día.

The bird in the cage did not stop chirping all day.

Here, 'piar' is used to describe the continuous sound or action (chirping) made by a bird. It indicates that the bird was chirping nonstop throughout the day.

Si escuchas atentamente, podrás oír a los pajaritos piar al amanecer.

English translation of Si escuchas atentamente, podrás oír a los pajaritos piar al amanecer.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the little birds chirp at dawn.

In this context, 'piar' refers to the sounds that small birds make, especially at dawn when it is quieter.

El concierto de piar de los gorriones alegraba el parque.

English translation of El concierto de piar de los gorriones alegraba el parque.

The concert of sparrows chirping brightened up the park.

This sentence uses 'piar' as a metaphor to describe a group of sparrows making noise together, creating a lively atmosphere in the park.

El piar de los pájaros me despertó esta mañana.

English translation of El piar de los pájaros me despertó esta mañana.

The chirping of the birds woke me up this morning.

In this sentence, 'piar' is used to denote the sound made by birds that was loud enough to wake someone up.

El piar de los pollitos nos indicó que tenían hambre.

English translation of El piar de los pollitos nos indicó que tenían hambre.

The chirping of the chicks showed us that they were hungry.

The sentence uses 'piar' to describe the hunger signal sent by the chicks through their 'chirping' sound.

No puede haber nada más relajante que el piar de los pájaros en la naturaleza.

English translation of No puede haber nada más relajante que el piar de los pájaros en la naturaleza.

There can be nothing more relaxing than the chirping of birds in nature.

It expresses that the speaker finds the 'chirping' (piar) sounds of the birds in a natural setting to be a relaxing experience.

La melodía del piar de los canarios llenaba la sala.

English translation of La melodía del piar de los canarios llenaba la sala.

The melody of the canaries' chirping filled the room.

In this context, 'piar' describes the melodious sounds made by canaries in a room.

Recuerdo el piar de los pájaros cada mañana en mi pueblo natal.

English translation of Recuerdo el piar de los pájaros cada mañana en mi pueblo natal.

I remember the chirping of the birds every morning in my hometown.

This sentence uses 'piar' to evoke a nostalgic memory about the sound of birds in the speaker's hometown.

El piar constante de las aves silvestres en el bosque es inolvidable.

English translation of El piar constante de las aves silvestres en el bosque es inolvidable.

The constant chirping of the wild birds in the forest is unforgettable.

It means the speaker finds the constant 'chirping' (piar) of the birds in a forest setting to be a memorable experience.

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