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English translation of pétalo


The Spanish word 'pétalo' translates to 'petal' in English. It is often used in the context of botany and flower description. Just like in English, 'pétalo' refers to the individual elements that together form the corolla, or the inner circle, of a flower. Petals are usually the colorful parts of a flower that serve to attract pollinators.

Example sentences using: pétalo

El pétalo de la flor es suave.

English translation of El pétalo de la flor es suave.

The flower petal is soft.

In this case, 'pétalo' is used to denote the soft texture of a flower's petal.

El pétalo estaba mojado por la lluvia.

English translation of El pétalo estaba mojado por la lluvia.

The petal was wet from the rain.

This sentence shows 'pétalo' being used to describe a petal which became wet due to rain.

Un pétalo flotaba en el agua.

English translation of Un pétalo flotaba en el agua.

A petal was floating in the water.

Here 'pétalo' is used to tell about a petal floating in water.

Un pétalo cayó al suelo.

English translation of Un pétalo cayó al suelo.

A petal fell to the ground.

This phrase describes a petal falling to the ground from a flower.

El color del pétalo es rojo.

English translation of El color del pétalo es rojo.

The color of the petal is red.

This sentence uses 'pétalo' while discussing the color of a flower's petal.

Un pétalo se desprendió de la rosa.

English translation of Un pétalo se desprendió de la rosa.

A petal detached from the rose.

In this example, 'pétalo' is part of a description of a petal falling off a rose.

El pétalo de la margarita es blanco.

English translation of El pétalo de la margarita es blanco.

The petal of the daisy is white.

This phrase uses 'pétalo' to discuss the color of a daisy's petal.

La rosa perdió un pétalo.

English translation of La rosa perdió un pétalo.

The rose lost a petal.

This use of 'pétalo' is a standard description of a rose losing a single petal, which happens naturally as flowers age.

Ella sostiene un pétalo de la flor en su mano.

English translation of Ella sostiene un pétalo de la flor en su mano.

She holds a flower petal in her hand.

This sentence describes someone holding a flower's petal.

El viento sopló y el pétalo de la flor voló.

English translation of El viento sopló y el pétalo de la flor voló.

The wind blew and the flower petal flew.

This example depicts a gust of wind causing a flower petal to blow away.