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pescado en conserva

English translation of pescado en conserva

canned fish

The Spanish phrase 'pescado en conserva' translates to 'canned fish' in English. It refers to fish which has been processed, sealed in an airtight container such as a sealed tin can, and subjected to heat to kill bacteria, viruses and microorganisms. This process also often involves the use of brine, sauce, or oil as a preservative for increased shelf life. It can include various types of fish, including tuna, salmon, and sardines among others.

Example sentences using: pescado en conserva

Ese almuerzo contiene una lata de pescado en conserva.

English translation of Ese almuerzo contiene una lata de pescado en conserva.

That lunch contains a can of canned fish.

In this sentence, 'pescado en conserva' is used to indicate the type of ingredient included in the meal. It is not used as a suffix in this case, but as a noun phrase that designates a canned fish.

Mi abuela siempre guarda pescado en conserva en su cocina.

English translation of Mi abuela siempre guarda pescado en conserva en su cocina.

My grandmother always stores canned fish in her kitchen.

This sentence makes use of 'pescado en conserva' to designate a type of food that the grandmother always keeps at home. Again, the term is used as a noun phrase within the sentence and not as a suffix.

¿Alguna vez has probado el pescado en conserva?

English translation of ¿Alguna vez has probado el pescado en conserva?

Have you ever tried canned fish?

In this question, 'pescado en conserva' is used to refer to a type of food and to inquire about the listener's experience with it. It is used as the object of the sentence and not as a suffix.

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