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pescado congelado

English translation of pescado congelado

frozen fish

The Spanish term 'pescado congelado' translates to 'frozen fish' in English. It is a compound noun that is often found in the food and catering industry. 'Pescado' means fish, and 'congelado' means frozen. This is typically used to refer to fish that have been preserved by freezing after being caught, to maintain the freshness until they are cooked or consumed. Fish is a common part of the diet in Spain, and therefore this phrase is frequently used in everyday life, especially in restaurants, markets, and on menus.

Example sentences using: pescado congelado

Voy a preparar pescado congelado para la cena

English translation of Voy a preparar pescado congelado para la cena

I'm going to prepare frozen fish for dinner

This is a simple statement of intent. Use it when you want to communicate what you're planning to prepare for a meal.

¿Has probado alguna vez el pescado congelado?

English translation of ¿Has probado alguna vez el pescado congelado?

Have you ever tried frozen fish?

This is a question asking about someone's experience with a specific food. It can be used to start a conversation about food preferences.

Por lo general, prefiero el pescado fresco al pescado congelado

English translation of Por lo general, prefiero el pescado fresco al pescado congelado

I usually prefer fresh fish to frozen fish

This is an expression of personal preference. Use it when you want to compare two things and state which one you like better.