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pescado blanco

English translation of pescado blanco

white fish

The Spanish term 'pescado blanco' translates to 'white fish' in English. In culinary and cultural context, it usually refers to fish species that have light-colored, mild-flavored flesh, including species such as cod, haddock, and hake. These fishes are often used in a variety of dishes across many cuisines due to their versatile flavor profile and texture. The term 'white fish' is an umbrella term and doesn't refer to a specific species, but rather many fish that share similar characteristics. 'Pescado blanco' is commonly found in Spanish-speaking regions' seafood cuisine.

Example sentences using: pescado blanco

Hoy quiero comer pescado blanco para la cena.

English translation of Hoy quiero comer pescado blanco para la cena.

Today I want to eat white fish for dinner.

This sentence demonstrates a common usage of 'pescado blanco', discussing food or meal preferences. 'Hoy' means today, 'quiero' means I want, 'comer' is to eat, 'para la cena' translates to for dinner.

El pescado blanco es muy saludable y tiene menos grasa que el rojo.

English translation of El pescado blanco es muy saludable y tiene menos grasa que el rojo.

White fish is very healthy and has less fat than red one.

This sentence is explaining the health benefits of white fish over red fish in Spanish. It can be used when talking or writing about nutrition, diet, or food characteristics in general.

¿Has probado el pescado blanco al horno con limón?

English translation of ¿Has probado el pescado blanco al horno con limón?

Have you tried baked white fish with lemon?

In this case, 'pescado blanco' is used in a question asking someone if they have tried a particular dish. This demonstrates how the term can be used in different kinds of queries.