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personal sanitario

English translation of personal sanitario

health personnel

The term 'personal sanitario' in Spanish refers to health personnel in English. This term is primarily used to represent all individuals involved in the health care sector, either directly providing care to patients or indirectly assisting in the provision of care. This can encompass a broad range of roles, including doctors, nurses, technicians, administrators, therapists, and other associated healthcare professionals.

Example sentences using: personal sanitario

El personal sanitario es fundamental en una pandemia.

English translation of El personal sanitario es fundamental en una pandemia.

Healthcare personnel are essential in a pandemic.

This sentence highlights the importance of healthcare workers, often referred to as 'personal sanitario' in Spanish, in times of a pandemic. The adverb 'fundamental' emphasizes their vital role.

Debemos agradecer al personal sanitario por su dedicación.

English translation of Debemos agradecer al personal sanitario por su dedicación.

We should thank the healthcare personnel for their dedication.

This sentence encourages appreciative sentiments towards healthcare workers ('personal sanitario') by acknowledging their dedication— 'su dedicación'. It implies that society owes them thanks for the work they do.

El personal sanitario trabaja largas horas para atender a los enfermos.

English translation of El personal sanitario trabaja largas horas para atender a los enfermos.

The healthcare personnel work long hours to attend to the sick.

The sentence shows that healthcare workers ('personal sanitario') often have to work extended shifts ('trabaja largas horas') to provide care for those who are ill ('para atender a los enfermos'). It communicates the demanding nature of their job.

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