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perro callejero

English translation of perro callejero

Street dog

The Spanish phrase 'perro callejero' translates to 'street dog' in English. This phrase might be used to refer to stray dogs, or dogs that live on the street without a specific home or owner. These dogs tend to survive by scavenging for food and shelter, and may be wild or semi-wild. The term 'perro callejero' can sometimes carry a negative connotation, portraying a dog as unclean or potentially dangerous due to the conditions in which it lives.

Example sentences using: perro callejero

El perro callejero parecía hambriento.

English translation of El perro callejero parecía hambriento.

The stray dog seemed hungry.

This sentence is an observation about the apparent state of a stray dog. The verb 'parecía' (seemed) is used to express an opinion or perception about the dog's condition.

Mi hija tiene miedo de aquel perro callejero.

English translation of Mi hija tiene miedo de aquel perro callejero.

My daughter is afraid of that stray dog.

This sentence indicates fear or apprehension felt by the daughter towards a specific stray dog. The preposition 'de' (of) is used to show the source of the fear.

No debes alimentar al perro callejero.

English translation of No debes alimentar al perro callejero.

You should not feed the stray dog.

This sentence is giving advice against caring for stray dogs in certain ways, specifically feeding them. The verb 'debes' (should) is used to give advice or express obligation.

Este perro callejero siempre ronda por el vecindario.

English translation of Este perro callejero siempre ronda por el vecindario.

This stray dog always roams around the neighborhood.

This sentence expresses a continuous or habitual action being performed by the stray dog, in this case, roaming around the neighborhood.

El perro callejero siguió al chico a casa.

English translation of El perro callejero siguió al chico a casa.

The stray dog followed the boy home.

This sentence describes an action taken by the stray dog, where it followed a boy to his home. The verb 'siguió' (followed) suggests that the dog stayed behind or trailed after the boy.

Pedro adoptó a un perro callejero.

English translation of Pedro adoptó a un perro callejero.

Pedro adopted a stray dog.

This sentence tells a story of a character named Pedro who has adopted a stray dog. The word 'adoptó' (adopted) refers to the action of taking someone else's child into one's own family and legally making them one's own child. In this context, it is used to talk about taking a stray dog into one's family.

El perro callejero estuvo rondando por el parque toda la noche.

English translation of El perro callejero estuvo rondando por el parque toda la noche.

The stray dog was wandering around the park all night.

This sentence describes an action that the stray dog was doing for a duration of time (all night). The verb 'estuvo rondando' (was wandering) is the past tense of 'estar rondando' (to be wandering), which describes a continuous past action.

Aquel perro callejero parecía estar enfermo.

English translation of Aquel perro callejero parecía estar enfermo.

That stray dog seemed to be sick.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing their personal opinion or perception about the stray dog's health. The phrase 'parecía estar enfermo' (seemed to be sick) uses 'estar' to denote a temporary condition.

La gente en el barrio cuida del perro callejero.

English translation of La gente en el barrio cuida del perro callejero.

People in the neighborhood take care of the stray dog.

This sentence uses the verb 'cuida' (take care) to express an act of kindness or responsibility towards the stray dog by the people in the neighborhood.

Es peligroso acariciar a un perro callejero.

English translation of Es peligroso acariciar a un perro callejero.

It's dangerous to pet a stray dog.

This sentence indicates a warning or cautionary advice about petting stray dogs. The verb 'acariciar' (to pet) is used to indicate physical contact typically as a sign of affection.