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perfume intenso

English translation of perfume intenso

intense perfume

The Spanish phrase 'perfume intenso' translates to 'intense perfume' in English. This can refer to a strong or potent fragrance. For example, if a perfume has a very noticeable scent that lasts for a long time, it could be described as 'perfume intenso' in Spanish. This term can be used in both a positive and negative context depending on personal preferences for scents.

Example sentences using: perfume intenso

El aroma del perfume intenso llenó la habitación.

English translation of El aroma del perfume intenso llenó la habitación.

The aroma of the intense perfume filled the room.

This sentence is describing a scenario where the smell of a strong perfume is so powerful that it fills the entire room. This phrase could be used to describe a situation where a certain smell is very noticeable or overwhelming.

Ella llevaba un perfume intenso que me recordó a los jardines de rosas.

English translation of Ella llevaba un perfume intenso que me recordó a los jardines de rosas.

She wore an intense perfume that reminded me of rose gardens.

This sentence is describing a woman who is wearing a strong perfume that reminds the speaker of rose gardens. This is a figurative way of saying that the perfume's scent is similar to that of roses.

El perfume intenso de la flor me hizo estornudar.

English translation of El perfume intenso de la flor me hizo estornudar.

The intense perfume of the flower made me sneeze.

This sentence is describing a situation where the strong smell of a flower causes the speaker to sneeze. This phrase could be used to describe a situation where a certain smell is so strong that it results in a physical response.

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