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perfume fuerte

English translation of perfume fuerte

Strong perfume

The Spanish term 'perfume fuerte' translates to 'strong perfume' in English. This phrase can refer to a scent that is bold and potent. In the context of perfumery, the strength of a perfume can refer to the intensity and longevity of its fragrance. An example of usage could be: 'El perfume fuerte puede ser abrumador', which means 'The strong perfume can be overwhelming'.

Example sentences using: perfume fuerte

El perfume fuerte de Sarah me dio dolor de cabeza.

English translation of El perfume fuerte de Sarah me dio dolor de cabeza.

Sarah's strong perfume gave me a headache.

This sentence is used to express that the strong scent of Sarah's perfume caused the speaker a headache, implying that it was too intense or overpowering.

Me sorprendió que a Juan le gustara ese perfume fuerte.

English translation of Me sorprendió que a Juan le gustara ese perfume fuerte.

I was surprised that Juan liked that strong perfume.

This sentence is expressing the speaker's surprise that Juan liked a particular strong perfume, suggesting that it's not a common preference or that it's different from what the speaker would expect Juan to like.

La habitación estaba llena de un perfume fuerte de rosas.

English translation of La habitación estaba llena de un perfume fuerte de rosas.

The room was filled with a strong scent of roses.

This sentence describes a room filled with a strong, possibly overpowering, roses' perfume, suggesting an intense or concentrated aroma within the space.

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