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perfume fresco

English translation of perfume fresco

Fresh perfume

The phrase 'perfume fresco' in Spanish translates to 'fresh perfume' in English. It is often used to describe scents that are light, clean, and invigorating. This is frequently used in the context of personal care or beauty products such as colognes, body sprays, and perfumes where freshness denotes a pleasing, revitalizing fragrance.

Example sentences using: perfume fresco

Mi madre adora el aroma del perfume fresco de las flores.

English translation of Mi madre adora el aroma del perfume fresco de las flores.

My mother adores the fresh perfume aroma of the flowers.

In this sentence, the Spanish word 'perfume fresco' is used to describe the scent of fresh flowers. This is a common way to describe pleasant smells in Spanish.

El perfume fresco de la mañana siempre me despierta.

English translation of El perfume fresco de la mañana siempre me despierta.

The fresh perfume of the morning always wakes me up.

This sentence uses 'perfume fresco' to describe the invigorating scent of the morning. It suggests that the speaker is soothed and revitalized by the smell of the morning's freshness.

El perfume fresco me hizo recordar a mi abuela.

English translation of El perfume fresco me hizo recordar a mi abuela.

The fresh perfume made me remember my grandmother.

This sentence uses 'perfume fresco' to express that a smell can trigger memories. In this specific instance, the scent reminded the speaker of their grandmother, suggesting that she perhaps wore a fresh perfume.

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