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English translation of perfume


The Spanish word 'perfume' translates to 'perfume' in English. It is a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to one's body or clothes. The term originated from the Latin words 'per', meaning 'through' and 'fumus', meaning 'smoke'. Hence, 'perfume' refers to a substance that emits a pleasant aroma.

Example sentences using: perfume

La rosa tiene un perfume muy agradable.

English translation of La rosa tiene un perfume muy agradable.

The rose has a very pleasant perfume.

The term 'perfume' in this sentence is used metaphorically to describe the natural scent of a rose, which is characterized as 'very pleasant'.

Mi madre siempre usa un perfume floral.

English translation of Mi madre siempre usa un perfume floral.

My mother always uses a floral perfume.

In this sentence, 'perfume' is used to describe a particular type of scent (floral) that the speaker's mother frequently uses.

El perfume en esta tienda es muy caro.

English translation of El perfume en esta tienda es muy caro.

The perfume in this store is very expensive.

Here, 'perfume' refers to a broad category of items (perfumes) in a store which are described as being 'very expensive'.

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