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perder peso

English translation of perder peso

lose weight

The Spanish term 'perder peso' translates to 'lose weight' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of fitness, dieting, or health where one is attempting to reduce their body mass, typically by reducing fat content. The verb 'perder' refers to losing or missing something, and 'peso' refers to weight, making it quite a literal translation.

Example sentences using: perder peso

Para llevar una vida saludable, es importante perder peso.

English translation of Para llevar una vida saludable, es importante perder peso.

To lead a healthy life, it's important to lose weight.

In this sentence, 'perder peso' is used to express the idea of reducing body weight which is a common topic when discussing health and wellness. The preposition 'para' is used to express purpose or objective, and 'llevar una vida saludable' means 'to lead a healthy life'.

Estoy tratando de perder peso corriendo todas las mañanas.

English translation of Estoy tratando de perder peso corriendo todas las mañanas.

I am trying to lose weight by running every morning.

This sentence uses 'perder peso' in the context of a personal goal or aspiration. The speaker is stating their current actions or efforts to achieve this goal, in this case running every morning. 'Estoy tratando' are the verb forms for 'I am trying' and 'corriendo todas las mañanas' translates to 'running every morning'.

Es difícil perder peso, pero no imposible.

English translation of Es difícil perder peso, pero no imposible.

It's hard to lose weight, but not impossible.

Here, 'perder peso' is used in a reflective statement about the difficulty of weight loss while also expressing that it's not an impossible task. This sentence structure is commonly used in Spanish to create emphatic or powerful statements. 'Es difícil' means 'It's hard' while 'pero no imposible' stands for 'but not impossible'.