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pensión completa

English translation of pensión completa

full board

The Spanish term 'pensión completa' translates to 'full board' in English. This is often used in reference to hospitality services, like hotels or bed and breakfasts, where the cost of the room also includes all three daily meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's a term often seen in travel and accommodation packages. Hence, if you see 'pensión completa' while booking your stay, you can expect your meals to be covered in the overall price.

Example sentences using: pensión completa

El hotel ofrece pensión completa

English translation of El hotel ofrece pensión completa

The hotel provides full board

This example shows that the hotel is offering full meal services to its guests, which is generally breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

No pudimos reservar pensión completa.

English translation of No pudimos reservar pensión completa.

We couldn't book full board.

This example implies that the speaker was unable to reserve a service that includes all meals at the hotel.

¿Cuánto cuesta la pensión completa en este hotel?

English translation of ¿Cuánto cuesta la pensión completa en este hotel?

How much is full board at this hotel?

This example is a question enquiring the cost of a service (full board) that includes all meals at a specific hotel.

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