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pensamiento filosófico

English translation of pensamiento filosófico

philosophical thought

Philosophical thought, or 'pensamiento filosófico' in Spanish, refers to the process of using reason and rigorous questioning to explore complex ideas and problems. It often involves contemplating life's big questions, such as the nature of reality and existence, morality, and the meaning of life. This thought process is typically associated with the field of philosophy, which encourages critical thinking, logical argumentation, and the application of ethical concepts.

Example sentences using: pensamiento filosófico

El pensamiento filosófico es esencial para entender nuestra existencia.

English translation of El pensamiento filosófico es esencial para entender nuestra existencia.

Philosophical thought is essential to understanding our existence.

This sentence is highlighting the importance of philosophical thought in aiding our understanding of existence. It defines it as 'essential', indicating it is a fundamental or necessary tool.

Mi profesor siempre aplica el pensamiento filosófico en sus lecciones.

English translation of Mi profesor siempre aplica el pensamiento filosófico en sus lecciones.

My teacher always applies philosophical thought in his lessons.

In this sentence, the speaker is talking about his or her teacher who always incorporates philosophical thinking into his lessons. This indicates that the teacher believes philosophy is a valuable tool in education.

Un buen libro puede promover el pensamiento filosófico.

English translation of Un buen libro puede promover el pensamiento filosófico.

A good book can promote philosophical thinking.

This sentence supports the idea that literature (referred to here as 'a good book') can stimulate or encourage philosophical thinking in a reader. It shows a connection between literature and philosophy.

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