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English translation of pensamiento


The Spanish word for 'thought' is 'pensamiento'. It is mostly used in the same way as in English. It refers to an idea, plan, opinion, or the act of thinking. As in English, it can be used in a wide range of contexts, including in phrases like 'just a thought' (solo un pensamiento) or 'deep in thought' (profundamente pensativo).

Example sentences using: pensamiento

Ella comparte sus pensamientos con su amiga.

English translation of Ella comparte sus pensamientos con su amiga.

She shares her thoughts with her friend.

In this phrase, 'pensamientos' refers to 'thoughts', and the context is someone sharing their thoughts with a friend. The verb 'comparte' means 'she shares' and 'sus' is a possessive pronoun meaning 'her' referencing 'pensamientos'.

Mis pensamientos están contigo.

English translation of Mis pensamientos están contigo.

My thoughts are with you.

In this sentence, 'pensamientos' means 'thoughts'. It's a common phrase used to express empathy or condolence where you want to convey that you are thinking about the person in a challenging time.

El poema refleja sus pensamientos más profundos.

English translation of El poema refleja sus pensamientos más profundos.

The poem reflects his deepest thoughts.

Here, 'pensamientos' refers to 'thoughts' and 'más profundos' means 'deepest'. This sentence is often used in the context of analyzing literature or writing.

Necesita distraerse para alejarse de esos pensamientos negativos.

English translation of Necesita distraerse para alejarse de esos pensamientos negativos.

She needs to distract herself to get away from those negative thoughts.

In this example, 'pensamientos' refers to 'thoughts' and 'negativos' means negative. 'Alejarse' means 'to get away from', and thus the whole sentence implies she needs to distract herself from negative thoughts.

Tus pensamientos determinan tus acciones.

English translation of Tus pensamientos determinan tus acciones.

Your thoughts determine your actions.

This is a philosophical sentence where 'pensamientos' means 'thoughts'. It speaks to the concept that our actions are often a reflection of our thoughts or mindset.

Estoy perdido en mis pensamientos.

English translation of Estoy perdido en mis pensamientos.

I am lost in my thoughts.

'Perdido en mis pensamientos' is a phrase used to express that someone is deep in thought or contemplation, often unaware of their surroundings.

Guarda tus pensamientos para ti mismo.

English translation of Guarda tus pensamientos para ti mismo.

Keep your thoughts to yourself.

In this sentence, 'pensamientos' are 'thoughts'. 'Guarda' is the command form of the verb 'guardar', equivalent to 'Keep'. The phrase is used when advising someone to keep their thoughts private.

Sus pensamientos están en otro lugar.

English translation of Sus pensamientos están en otro lugar.

His thoughts are elsewhere.

This phrase suggests that someone is distracted, daydreaming, or not paying attention because their 'pensamientos' or thoughts, are not focussed on the current situation or discussion.

Escribe tus pensamientos en el diario.

English translation of Escribe tus pensamientos en el diario.

Write your thoughts in the diary.

This sentence is often used as advice to someone who wants to articulate their thoughts or feelings better. It uses 'pensamientos' to mean 'thoughts'.

Estoy tratando de entender sus pensamientos.

English translation of Estoy tratando de entender sus pensamientos.

I'm trying to understand his thoughts.

In this example, 'pensamientos' refers to 'thoughts', and 'tratando de entender' means 'trying to understand'. It is often used when someone is attempting to comprehend someone else's perspective or ideas.

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