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pelo sano

English translation of pelo sano

Healthy hair

The phrase 'pelo sano' in Spanish translates to 'healthy hair' in English. This term is commonly used to describe hair that is in good condition, which means it is strong, shiny, and free from damage like split ends or dryness. In other words, 'pelo sano' refers to hair that is well-maintained and nourished, demonstrating a good level of care and attention.

Example sentences using: pelo sano

Para tener un pelo sano, debes comer bien.

English translation of Para tener un pelo sano, debes comer bien.

To have healthy hair, you should eat well.

This sentence implies that your diet influences the condition of your hair. It suggests that eating well, or maintaining a good diet, will result in having healthy hair.

Mi hermana tiene un pelo sano y brillante.

English translation of Mi hermana tiene un pelo sano y brillante.

My sister has healthy and shiny hair.

This sentence is talking about the physical attribute of someone's hair, stating that it's not just healthy, which means it's in good condition, but it also has a shine to it.

El producto promete un pelo sano desde la primera aplicación.

English translation of El producto promete un pelo sano desde la primera aplicación.

The product promises healthy hair from the first application.

This sentence promotes a product, which could be a shampoo or conditioner or some type of hair treatment. It promises that the hair will turn healthy from the very first use of the product.

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