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pelo graso

English translation of pelo graso

greasy hair

The Spanish term 'pelo graso' translates to 'greasy hair' in English. This phrase is commonly used to talk about hair that has an oily appearance and texture. Glands in the skin, known as sebaceous glands, typically produce an oil called sebum that keeps our hair healthy. However, these glands can sometimes produce too much oil, resulting in 'pelo graso' or greasy hair.

Example sentences using: pelo graso

Siempre utilizo champú para pelo graso.

English translation of Siempre utilizo champú para pelo graso.

I always use shampoo for oily hair.

In this phrase, the speaker emphasizes the type of product they always use in their hair, shampoo for oily hair, as they likely have this type of hair.

Mi amiga tiene problemas con su pelo graso, pero no sabe qué producto usar.

English translation of Mi amiga tiene problemas con su pelo graso, pero no sabe qué producto usar.

My friend has problems with her oily hair, but she doesn't know what product to use.

The speaker indicates their friend's struggle with oily hair, coupled with uncertainty about what product to resort to combat the oiliness.

Mi pelo graso requiere lavados diarios.

English translation of Mi pelo graso requiere lavados diarios.

My oily hair requires daily washes.

In this sentence, the speaker states that due to the oily nature of their hair, it's necessary for them to wash it daily.

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