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pegar una palabra

English translation of pegar una palabra

paste a word

The phrase 'pegar una palabra' in Spanish translates to 'paste a word' in English. This is commonly used in computing and digital contexts, referring to the action of copying a word or string of text from one location and inserting, or 'pasting,' it into another. This is a basic concept for digital text handling. This phrase can also be used metaphorically to express the idea of borrowing or taking words from another source.

Example sentences using: pegar una palabra

Necesito pegar una palabra en este documento.

English translation of Necesito pegar una palabra en este documento.

I need to paste a word into this document.

In this example, 'pegar una palabra' means to physically insert or paste a word into a document. This is generally used in a digital context such as editing a word document or text file.

Me enseñó a pegar una palabra después de otra para formar frases.

English translation of Me enseñó a pegar una palabra después de otra para formar frases.

He taught me to stick one word after another to form sentences.

'Pegar una palabra' in this context translates to 'sticking a word'. This implies the process of constructing sentences word by word, as in learning a new language or honing writing skills.

Podrías pegar una palabra en este póster para que tenga más impacto?

English translation of Podrías pegar una palabra en este póster para que tenga más impacto?

Could you paste a word onto this poster so that it has more impact?

Here, 'pegar una palabra' is used to explain adding a word to a poster. This typically refers to digitally adding text in order to enhance its appeal or deliver a stronger message.