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pedir cita

English translation of pedir cita

make an appointment

The Spanish phrase 'pedir cita' translates to 'make an appointment' in English. This is typically used in a professional context, such as scheduling a meeting, an appointment with a doctor or dentist, or a date with someone. It can also be used to reserve a table in a restaurant. It is composed of the verb 'pedir' which means 'to ask for', and 'cita' which means 'appointment' or 'date'. Therefore, 'pedir cita' could be literally translated as 'ask for an appointment'.

Example sentences using: pedir cita

Tengo que pedir cita para el médico.

English translation of Tengo que pedir cita para el médico.

I have to make an appointment with the doctor.

In this sentence, 'pedir cita para el médico' indicates the action of arranging a time to see the doctor, a common use of 'pedir cita' in Spanish-speaking countries.

Es necesario pedir cita antes de visitar a la embajada.

English translation of Es necesario pedir cita antes de visitar a la embajada.

It is necessary to make an appointment before visiting the embassy.

This sample sentence shows that 'pedir cita' can be used in formal contexts, as in the process of arranging an official appointment, as with an embassy in this instance.

¿Podrías pedir cita para mi próximo corte de cabello?

English translation of ¿Podrías pedir cita para mi próximo corte de cabello?

Could you make an appointment for my next haircut?

This sentence demonstrates a more informal application scenario of 'pedir cita', making an appointment at a hair salon. The phrase is not confined to healthcare settings and can be used for appointments in a variety of contexts.

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