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pecado mortal

English translation of pecado mortal

mortal sin

The Spanish term 'pecado mortal' translates to 'mortal sin' in English. This is a concept used primarily in Roman Catholic theology. It refers to a grave offence against God’s law, which can lead to eternal damnation if not repented. The nature of a mortal sin is that it severs the relationship between the individual and God. In a broader, non-religious context, it can be used figuratively to denote a severe error or wrongdoing.

Example sentences using: pecado mortal

El asesinato es un pecado mortal en muchas religiones.

English translation of El asesinato es un pecado mortal en muchas religiones.

Murder is a mortal sin in many religions.

This phrase is stating that in many religions, murder is considered a mortal sin, a sin so serious that it can lead to eternal separation from God.

Decir mentiras intencionalmente es un pecado mortal.

English translation of Decir mentiras intencionalmente es un pecado mortal.

Telling lies intentionally is a mortal sin.

This sentence indicates that deliberately telling falsehoods is considered a grave sin in religious context, one that has significant spiritual consequences.

Algunos creen que la avaricia es un pecado mortal.

English translation of Algunos creen que la avaricia es un pecado mortal.

Some believe that greed is a mortal sin.

In this expression, it's suggested that there are individuals who consider excessive greed to be a mortal sin, a very serious spiritual wrongdoing.