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pecado capital

English translation of pecado capital

deadly sin

'Pecado capital' in Spanish refers to a 'deadly sin' in English. The phrase is often associated with religious contexts, specifically with Christian doctrine. It is used to denote a particular category of sins that are viewed as particularly destructive, severe, and grievous. These sins include wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony in their traditional interpretation. 'Pecado capital' can also be used metaphorically to signify a serious fault or transgression in broader, non-religious contexts.

Example sentences using: pecado capital

La gula es considerada un pecado capital.

English translation of La gula es considerada un pecado capital.

Gluttony is considered a deadly sin.

This statement is explaining that gluttony, which is an excessive desire to consume more than one needs or deserves, is considered to be one of the seven deadly sins in various religious beliefs.

Muchos creen que la envidia es el peor pecado capital.

English translation of Muchos creen que la envidia es el peor pecado capital.

Many believe that envy is the worst deadly sin.

This sentence is expressing that many people hold the belief that envy, understood as the intense desire to have what another has, is considered the worst of the seven deadly sins.

No debemos caer en el pecado capital de la pereza.

English translation of No debemos caer en el pecado capital de la pereza.

We should not succumb to the deadly sin of sloth.

This phrase is a cautionary advice against falling into sloth, which is considered one of the seven deadly sins and involves negligence, laziness or carelessness.