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English translation of patience


'Paciencia' means the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed. In learning, patience plays a key role as not all subjects or skills can be mastered instantly and require consistent practice.

Example sentences using: patience

Tienes que tener paciencia con él.

English translation of Tienes que tener paciencia con él.

You have to have patience with him.

This phrase implies a request or suggestion, encouraging the listener to be patient with 'him' (con él). 'Tienes que' is a way to tell someone 'you have to'.

Con paciencia se consigue todo.

English translation of Con paciencia se consigue todo.

With patience, everything is achieved.

This phrase encourages perseverance, stating that with patience, anything can be accomplished. 'Con' translates as 'with' and 'se consigue todo' means 'everything is achieved'.

Ella es famosa por su paciencia.

English translation of Ella es famosa por su paciencia.

She is famous for her patience.

This phrase states that 'she' (Ella) is widely recognized due to her patient nature. 'Es famosa por' means 'is famous for', and 'su' is equivalent to 'her' in English.

Mi paciencia tiene límites.

English translation of Mi paciencia tiene límites.

My patience has limits.

This phrase communicates that while the speaker may be patient, that patience is not unlimited. 'Mi', 'tiene', and 'límites' translate to 'my', 'has', and 'limits' respectively.

Perdí la paciencia contigo.

English translation of Perdí la paciencia contigo.

I lost patience with you.

In this phrase, the speaker expresses frustration by stating they have run out of patience. 'Perdí' means 'I lost' and 'contigo' translates as 'with you'.

Muestra un poco de paciencia.

English translation of Muestra un poco de paciencia.

Show a little patience.

This phrase is a request for the listener to exhibit, or 'show', some patience. 'Muestra', 'un poco de' translate to 'show', 'a little' in English.

Es importante practicar la paciencia.

English translation of Es importante practicar la paciencia.

It is important to practice patience.

Here, the phrase suggests that the act of being patient is a skill that requires 'practice' (practicar). 'Es importante' translates as 'it is important'.

Tu paciencia es admirable.

English translation of Tu paciencia es admirable.

Your patience is admirable.

This phrase is a compliment, stating that the listener's patience is 'admirable' (admirable). 'Tu' means 'your' in English.

Debemos tener paciencia para tener éxito.

English translation of Debemos tener paciencia para tener éxito.

We must have patience to succeed.

This is a positive statement that emphasizes the necessity of patience in order to succeed. 'Debemos' translates as 'we must', 'tener' as 'have', and 'éxito' as 'success'.

La paciencia es una virtud.

English translation of La paciencia es una virtud.

Patience is a virtue.

This is a common phrase in both Spanish and English that underlines patience as an admirable quality, or virtue. The Spanish words for 'patience', 'is', 'a', and 'virtue' are 'la paciencia', 'es', 'una', and 'virtud' respectively.

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