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pastilla de jabón

English translation of pastilla de jabón

bar of soap

The Spanish phrase 'pastilla de jabón' translates to 'bar of soap' in English. It is a common item in hygiene and daily routine, especially in the bathroom where it is used for washing hands or body. It exists in various kinds, colors, shapes, and scents in the market.

Example sentences using: pastilla de jabón

Necesito una pastilla de jabón para el baño.

English translation of Necesito una pastilla de jabón para el baño.

I need a bar of soap for the bathroom.

This sentence expresses a need for a bar of soap specifically for the bathroom, implying the context could be for washing hands or bathing.

Compré una pastilla de jabón de lavanda.

English translation of Compré una pastilla de jabón de lavanda.

I bought a lavender bar of soap.

In this sentence, the speaker conveys that they purchased a lavender-scented bar of soap. The emphasis is on the specific kind of bar soap they bought.

¿Dónde dejaste la pastilla de jabón?

English translation of ¿Dónde dejaste la pastilla de jabón?

Where did you leave the bar of soap?

This question tends to be used when the speaker cannot find the bar of soap and is asking another person about its location in a past context.

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