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English translation of pastilla


The word 'pastilla' in Spanish translates to 'pill' in English. It often refers to medicine or supplements that are commonly ingested orally. It's used on a daily basis in pharmacies and health environments. Keep in mind, Spanish medical terms could be important to learn if traveling to Spanish-speaking countries or interacting with Spanish-speaking health professionals.

Example sentences using: pastilla

Tomó una pastilla para dormir y se fue a la cama.

English translation of Tomó una pastilla para dormir y se fue a la cama.

He took a sleeping pill and went to bed.

This sentence narrates an action of a person taking a sleeping pill and subsequently going to bed. It's a common Spanish phrase to describe such a scenario.

Necesito una pastilla para el dolor de cabeza.

English translation of Necesito una pastilla para el dolor de cabeza.

I need a pill for the headache.

This sentence is used when you want to express the need for a pain relief pill due to a headache. The word 'pastilla' is used here to represent any type of pill, specifically for headache in this context.

La pastilla de jabón se deslizó de mis manos.

English translation of La pastilla de jabón se deslizó de mis manos.

The soap bar slipped out of my hands.

In this sentence, 'pastilla' refers to bar of soap. This is a common way to express the act of a soap bar slipping from one's hands.

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