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paso a nivel

English translation of paso a nivel

level crossing

The Spanish phrase 'paso a nivel' translates to 'level crossing' in English. It is typically used in transportation contexts to refer to a place where a railway line intersects a road or path on the same level, as opposed to the train either passing over or underneath the road. It serves as a warning sign in many countries around the world, indicating a potential hazard where extra care should be taken. In more general contexts, it can also refer to the concept of crossing or intersecting at the same level or stage.

Example sentences using: paso a nivel

La construcción del paso a nivel ha mejorado el tráfico en nuestra ciudad.

English translation of La construcción del paso a nivel ha mejorado el tráfico en nuestra ciudad.

The construction of the level crossing has improved traffic in our city.

This sentence is talking about a level crossing (a place where a railway and a road cross each other on the same level) that has been built in a city, which has improved the flow of traffic.

El tren se acerca, espera en el paso a nivel.

English translation of El tren se acerca, espera en el paso a nivel.

The train is coming, wait at the level crossing.

In this sentence, someone is being told to wait at the level crossing because a train is approaching. This is a common safety measure at level crossings.

El coche se quedó atascado en el paso a nivel.

English translation of El coche se quedó atascado en el paso a nivel.

The car got stuck at the level crossing.

This sentence is describing a situation where a car has become stuck or immobilized at a level crossing. This could potentially be a hazardous situation depending on the presence and speed of oncoming trains.