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pasear por la orilla

English translation of pasear por la orilla

stroll along the shore

The term 'pasear por la orilla' in Spanish translates to 'stroll along the shore' in English. This phrase is commonly used in contexts involving walks along a beach or river, portraying a calm and peaceful activity. It is a combined form of the verb 'pasear', which means to walk, 'por la', which means along the, and 'orilla', that represents the shore.

Example sentences using: pasear por la orilla

Vamos a pasear por la orilla antes de la cena.

English translation of Vamos a pasear por la orilla antes de la cena.

Let's take a walk along the shore before dinner.

In this sentence, 'pasear por la orilla' describes a proposed activity of taking a walk along the shoreline. It is often used in a context of relaxation or leisure activity.

Pasear por la orilla al amanecer es mi actividad favorita.

English translation of Pasear por la orilla al amanecer es mi actividad favorita.

Walking along the shore at dawn is my favorite activity.

This phrase refers to the speaker's favorite activity, walking along the shore at sunrise. 'Pasear por la orilla' is used here to describe a specific aspect of this favorite activity.

Después del trabajo, me gusta pasear por la orilla para relajarme.

English translation of Después del trabajo, me gusta pasear por la orilla para relajarme.

After work, I like to walk along the shore to relax.

In this context, 'pasear por la orilla' is being used to describe a balancing activity that the speaker enjoys after work for the purpose of relaxation.

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