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English translation of párroco

parish priest

The Spanish word 'párroco' translates to 'parish priest' in English. In the context of the Catholic Church, a parish priest is a priest appointed by the bishop to represent him to the local parish, which is a subdivision of the diocese that has its own church. The parish priest is the highest-ranking clergyman in the church and is responsible for administering spiritual care to his parishioners.

Example sentences using: párroco

El párroco de nuestra iglesia es muy amable.

English translation of El párroco de nuestra iglesia es muy amable.

The priest of our church is very kind.

In this sentence, the word 'párroco' is used to refer to the main priest of a church. It emphasizes that the priest at the speaker's church is known to be a kind person.

El párroco ha organizado una feria para recaudar fondos.

English translation of El párroco ha organizado una feria para recaudar fondos.

The priest has organized a fair to raise funds.

Here, 'párroco' is used to denote the priest as the organizer of an event. The event in question is a fair, likely held by the church to raise funds.

Necesito hablar con el párroco sobre la boda.

English translation of Necesito hablar con el párroco sobre la boda.

I need to talk to the priest about the wedding.

This sentence uses 'párroco' in the context of someone needing to discuss something with the priest. The speaker may need to discuss arrangements or details about a wedding ceremony.

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