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parque de bomberos

English translation of parque de bomberos

fire station

The term 'parque de bomberos' translates to 'fire station' in English. This is a location where firefighters are stationed and where firefighting equipment, such as fire trucks and other apparatus, are stored. Here, firefighters wait until they are called to an emergency, at which point they will rush to the scene to extinguish fires, rescue individuals, and help in other emergencies. Fire stations are critical parts of every community, providing an essential public safety function.

Example sentences using: parque de bomberos

El parque de bomberos está ubicado en la calle principal.

English translation of El parque de bomberos está ubicado en la calle principal.

The fire station is located on the main street.

This sentence describes the location of the fire station. 'Está ubicado' refers to 'it is located' and 'la calle principal' translates to 'the main street'.

Mi tío es un valiente bombero del parque de bomberos.

English translation of Mi tío es un valiente bombero del parque de bomberos.

My uncle is a brave firefighter from the fire station.

In this sentence, we're discussing a family member who works at a fire station. 'Mi tío' translates to 'my uncle', 'es un valiente bombero' to 'is a brave firefighter', and 'del parque de bomberos' to 'from the fire station'.

Por favor, dirígete al parque de bomberos más cercano para asistencia.

English translation of Por favor, dirígete al parque de bomberos más cercano para asistencia.

Please, head to the nearest fire station for assistance.

Here, an instruction is given to head to the nearest fire station if assistance is needed. 'Por favor, dirígete al' instructs 'Please, go to the', and 'más cercano' specifies 'nearest'.

Cuando era niño, solía soñar con trabajar en un parque de bomberos.

English translation of Cuando era niño, solía soñar con trabajar en un parque de bomberos.

As a child, I used to dream of working at a fire station.

This refers to a childhood dream about working at a fire station. 'Cuando era niño' means 'when I was a child' and 'solía soñar con trabajar en un' corresponds to 'I used to dream of working at a'.

Los alumnos visitarán el parque de bomberos en su próxima excursión.

English translation of Los alumnos visitarán el parque de bomberos en su próxima excursión.

The students will visit the fire station on their next excursion.

This sentence speaks about a future plan where students will visit a fire station. 'Los alumnos visitarán' corresponds to 'the students will visit', and 'en su próxima excursión' mentions 'on their next excursion'.

El parque de bomberos sirve como un simbolo de seguridad en nuestra ciudad.

English translation of El parque de bomberos sirve como un simbolo de seguridad en nuestra ciudad.

The fire station serves as a symbol of security in our city.

This details the symbolic function of the fire station in a city. 'Sirve como un simbolo de seguridad' translates to 'serves as a symbol of security', and 'en nuestra ciudad' to 'in our city'.

El parque de bomberos está equipado con las mejores herramientas y tecnología.

English translation of El parque de bomberos está equipado con las mejores herramientas y tecnología.

The fire station is equipped with the best tools and technology.

This sentence is talking about the equipment at a fire station. 'Está equipado con' means 'is equipped with'. 'Las mejores herramientas y tecnología' translates to 'the best tools and technology'.

El gobierno planea construir un nuevo parque de bomberos en el barrio.

English translation of El gobierno planea construir un nuevo parque de bomberos en el barrio.

The government plans to build a new fire station in the neighborhood.

Here, a governmental plan is discussed to construct a new fire station. 'El gobierno planea construir' refers to 'the government plans to build', and 'en el barrio' corresponds to 'in the neighborhood'.

El parque de bomberos proporciona formación en extinción de incendios para la comunidad.

English translation of El parque de bomberos proporciona formación en extinción de incendios para la comunidad.

The fire station provides fire extinguishing training for the community.

This relates to the community services provided by the fire station. 'Proporciona formación en extinción de incendios' means 'provides fire extinguishing training', and 'para la comunidad' refers to 'for the community'.

La nueva alarma en el parque de bomberos se puede oír en todo el pueblo.

English translation of La nueva alarma en el parque de bomberos se puede oír en todo el pueblo.

The new alarm at the fire station can be heard throughout the village.

This statement describes the sound range of a new alarm at the fire station. 'La nueva alarma' refers to 'the new alarm', 'puede oír' to 'can be heard', and 'en todo el pueblo' to 'throughout the village'.

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