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pared rocosa

English translation of pared rocosa

Rocky wall

The Spanish phrase 'pared rocosa' is translated in English to 'rocky wall'. This consists of two words: 'pared', meaning 'wall', and 'rocosa', meaning 'rocky'. It is used to describe a wall or a surface that is made of, covered with, or resembling rock. It's often used in the context of natural environments, such as cliffs, mountain sides, or cave interiors. Being an evocative phrase, it could also be used in a metaphorical or symbolic sense in literature or conversation.

Example sentences using: pared rocosa

La pared rocosa es más alta que la montaña.

English translation of La pared rocosa es más alta que la montaña.

The rock wall is higher than the mountain.

In this example, the 'pared rocosa' (rock wall) is being used to describe a physical barrier or cliff that is unexpectedly taller than a nearby mountain. This suggests that the rock wall is quite sizable and dramatic.

Critiqué la textura de la pared rocosa.

English translation of Critiqué la textura de la pared rocosa.

I critiqued the texture of the rock wall.

This sentence involves a person giving a critique or judgment regarding the 'pared rocosa' (rock wall). In this context, the phrase 'pared rocosa' is used to emphasize the physical qualities or details of the rock wall.

La pared rocosa oculta la entrada de la cueva.

English translation of La pared rocosa oculta la entrada de la cueva.

The rock wall hides the cave entrance.

In this context, the 'pare rocosa' (rock wall) is used in a scenario where it hides or obscures the entrance of a cave. This could imply the entrance is camouflaged, difficult to locate or simply out of sight due to the rock wall.

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