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English translation of paranoia


The Spanish word 'paranoia' directly translates to 'paranoia' in English. The term refers to a type of mental disorder characterized by delusions, often of persecution or grandeur, where reality is often distorted due to irrational suspicion and mistrust of others. It is used in both languages to describe extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others.

Example sentences using: paranoia

La paranoia a veces puede volverse abrumadora

English translation of La paranoia a veces puede volverse abrumadora

Paranoia can sometimes become overwhelming

This sentence talks about the mental state of paranoia, hinting at the intensity it can reach where it becomes overwhelming to the individual experiencing it.

Su paranoia le impidió confiar en alguien

English translation of Su paranoia le impidió confiar en alguien

His paranoia prevented him from trusting anyone

In this sentence, paranoia is portrayed as a barrier that holds someone back from trusting anyone, showcasing the negative impact it can have on personal relationships.

La paranoia es un síntoma común en algunas enfermedades mentales

English translation of La paranoia es un síntoma común en algunas enfermedades mentales

Paranoia is a common symptom in some mental illnesses

This sentence is a simple statement, giving factual information about paranoia being a common symptom in different mental illnesses.

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