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English translation of paradoja


The Spanish word 'paradoja' translates to 'paradox' in English. A 'paradox' is a statement or concept that seems contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth, or at least a semantic truth. Paradoxes are often used in philosophy, logic, and literature to provoke thought and analyze situations in depth. Similarly, 'paradoja' in Spanish can also refer to this contradictory, thought-provoking situation or concept.

Example sentences using: paradoja

La paradoja del gato de Schrödinger es un concepto famoso en la física.

English translation of La paradoja del gato de Schrödinger es un concepto famoso en la física.

Schrödinger's cat paradox is a famous concept in physics.

This sentence is referring to a thought experiment in quantum mechanics. It involves a cat that may or may not be alive based on an earlier random event, leading to a paradox, hence the term 'paradoja' in Spanish.

Se enfrenta a la paradoja de querer olvidar algo, pero sólo lo recuerda más fuertemente al intentar olvidarlo.

English translation of Se enfrenta a la paradoja de querer olvidar algo, pero sólo lo recuerda más fuertemente al intentar olvidarlo.

He faces the paradox of wanting to forget something, but only remembers it more strongly when trying to forget it.

This sentence describes a common psychological phenomenon, where the act of trying not to think about something makes you think about it even more. This is presented as a paradox - an outcome that is the opposite of what one might logically expect.

La paradoja de la elección es un fenómeno de la sociología moderna.

English translation of La paradoja de la elección es un fenómeno de la sociología moderna.

The paradox of choice is a phenomenon in modern sociology.

This sentence refers to the idea that while some choice is undoubtedly better than none, more is not always better than less. Too many choices can lead to anxiety and stress, which is presented as a paradox since logically more choices should lead to better outcomes.

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