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English translation of pantano


The Spanish word 'pantano' translates to 'marsh' in English. A marsh is a type of wetland, characterized by water-logged soils and aquatic vegetation. It's a term often used in geography and nature-related contexts. Similarly, 'pantano' in Spanish is used to describe a natural landscape that is frequently or entirely covered by water, with abundant aquatic plants.

Example sentences using: pantano

El pantano está lleno de caimanes.

English translation of El pantano está lleno de caimanes.

The swamp is full of alligators.

This sentence uses 'pantano' to describe a habitat (swamp) that is full of a certain type of animal (alligators).

Ella escribió un poema sobre un pantano solitario.

English translation of Ella escribió un poema sobre un pantano solitario.

She wrote a poem about a lonely swamp.

The sentence uses 'pantano' in a metaphorical or symbolic context, where the swamp is part of a poem and may symbolize loneliness or isolation.

Evitamos cruzar el pantano por la noche.

English translation of Evitamos cruzar el pantano por la noche.

We avoid crossing the swamp at night.

The sentence showcases how one might use 'pantano' in a context where one is planning or avoiding certain paths or actions based on the characteristics of a swamp.

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