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English translation of pan


'Pan' means 'bread' in English. Bread is a universal food, often consumed in breakfast meals in Spanish-speaking nations, making this word one of the first food-related words to learn in Spanish.

Similar words:

Example sentences using: pan

Yo uso una sartén para hacer palomitas cuando veo una película.

English translation of Yo uso una sartén para hacer palomitas cuando veo una película.

I use a pan to make popcorn when I watch a movie.

This sentence shows the use of 'pan' (sartén) as a cooking utensil in the context of preparing food while watching a movie. The verb 'uso' means 'I use', 'para hacer' means 'to make', and 'cuando veo una película' is 'when I watch a movie'.

En el filme, la sartén era usada como arma.

English translation of En el filme, la sartén era usada como arma.

In the film, the pan was used as a weapon.

In this sentence example, the pan (sartén) is utilized in an unusual way, as a weapon in a movie. Here 'el filme' is 'the film', 'era usada' is 'was used' and 'como arma' means 'as a weapon'.

En esa película, el sonido de la sartén golpeando a alguien era muy realista.

English translation of En esa película, el sonido de la sartén golpeando a alguien era muy realista.

In that movie, the sound of the pan hitting someone was very realistic.

This sentence talks about sound effects in movie production. 'En esa película' refers to 'in that movie', 'el sonido de' is 'the sound of', 'la sartén golpeando a alguien' is 'the pan hitting someone', and 'era muy realista' translates as 'was very realistic'.

La película 'Peter Pan' es uno de mis filmes favoritos de la infancia.

English translation of La película 'Peter Pan' es uno de mis filmes favoritos de la infancia.

The movie 'Peter Pan' is one of my favorite childhood films.

In this case, 'pan' is used as part of a title of a well-known movie. Here, 'mis filmes favoritos de la infancia' means 'my favorite childhood films'.

¡Procure no quemar la sartén mientras miras la película!

English translation of ¡Procure no quemar la sartén mientras miras la película!

Try not to burn the pan while you're watching the movie!

This sentence combines 'pan' as a cooking tool with the action of watching a movie. 'Procure' translates as 'try', 'no quemar la sartén' means 'not to burn the pan', 'mientras miras la película' is 'while you're watching the movie'.

Recuerdo una escena de la película donde el chef tiró la comida por el aire con la sartén.

English translation of Recuerdo una escena de la película donde el chef tiró la comida por el aire con la sartén.

I remember a scene in the movie where the chef tossed the food into the air with the pan.

This example talks about a specific scene in a movie involving a pan as a tool used by a chef. 'Recuerdo una escena' translates 'I remember a scene', 'donde el chef tiró la comida por el aire con la sartén' means 'where the chef tossed the food into the air with the pan'.

Cocino mi cena en la sartén mientras veo una película en la noche.

English translation of Cocino mi cena en la sartén mientras veo una película en la noche.

I cook my dinner in the pan while I watch a movie at night.

The sentence established a common scenario of multitasking between cooking food using a pan and watching a movie. 'Cocino mi cena' is 'I cook my dinner', 'en la sartén' means 'in the pan', 'mientras veo una película en la noche' is 'while I watch a movie at night'.

La sartén está en la estufa, pero estoy demasiado concentrado en la película.

English translation of La sartén está en la estufa, pero estoy demasiado concentrado en la película.

The pan is on the stove, but I am too focused on the movie.

This sentence describes a situation where the speaker is so engrossed in watching a movie that he neglects to attend to the pan on the stove. 'La sartén está en la estufa' translates to 'The pan is on the stove' and 'pero estoy demasiado concentrado en la película' translates to 'but I am too focused on the movie'.

La sartén que aparece en la película me recuerda a la que uso en casa.

English translation of La sartén que aparece en la película me recuerda a la que uso en casa.

The pan that appears in the movie reminds me of the one I use at home.

Here 'La sartén que aparece en la película' means 'The pan that appears in the movie'. 'Me recuerda a la que uso en casa' is 'reminds me of the one I use at home', implying that the speaker has a similar utensil at home.

En la trama, la sartén fue utilizada para cocinar una cena importante para los protagonistas de la película.

English translation of En la trama, la sartén fue utilizada para cocinar una cena importante para los protagonistas de la película.

In the plot, the pan was used to cook an important dinner for the movie’s main characters.

This example describes a part of a storyline involving a pan in a movie. 'En la trama' means 'in the plot', 'fue utilizada para' translates as 'was used to' and 'la cena importante para los protagonistas de la película' is 'an important dinner for the movie’s main characters'.

Tienes un pan en tu mochila.

English translation of Tienes un pan en tu mochila.

You have a bread in your backpack.

This sentence is used to express that someone has a bread (pan) in their backpack. Notice how 'un' is used instead of 'a' to indicate possession of singular objects.

¿Podrías darme ese pan por favor?

English translation of ¿Podrías darme ese pan por favor?

Could you give me that bread please?

In this example, the word 'pan' is used to refer to a bread that the speaker is asking for. 'Ese' is used to point out the bread.

El pan de ella es muy sabroso.

English translation of El pan de ella es muy sabroso.

Her bread is very delicious.

This sentence is referring to a bread that belongs to a female person (ella), and the adjective 'sabroso' is used to describe it as delicious.

El pan está en la mesa.

English translation of El pan está en la mesa.

The bread is on the table.

Here, 'pan' denotes a bread again, and it is specified that the bread is located 'on the table'.

Hoy quiero comer pan con mantequilla.

English translation of Hoy quiero comer pan con mantequilla.

Today I want to eat bread with butter.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses a wish or intention (quiero) to eat bread with butter.

Compré pan para la cena.

English translation of Compré pan para la cena.

I bought bread for dinner.

This phrase means that the speaker purchased bread for the purpose of eating it during dinner 'para la cena'.

Me encanta el pan fresco.

English translation of Me encanta el pan fresco.

I love fresh bread.

Here, we use 'pan' to refer to bread again and it is used with the adjective 'fresco' (fresh), expressing the speaker's love for fresh bread.

Corté el pan en rodajas.

English translation of Corté el pan en rodajas.

I cut the bread into slices.

In this expression, the speaker mentions an action of cutting bread into slices 'en rodajas'.

Hago pan en casa todos los días.

English translation of Hago pan en casa todos los días.

I make bread at home every day.

This sentence indicates that the speaker often makes bread at home on a daily basis.

El pan debe conservarse en un lugar fresco y seco.

English translation of El pan debe conservarse en un lugar fresco y seco.

Bread should be kept in a cool and dry place.

This sentence is an advice on how to properly store bread to maintain its quality.