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English translation of paisajista


The Spanish word 'paisajista' translates to 'landscape' in English. This term is usually used to refer to the visible features of an area of land, including physical elements such as landforms, bodies of water, plants, structures, and other similar features. 'Paisajista' could also refer to a person who is a landscape artist or a landscape architect, one who designs, plans, and manages the landscape.

Example sentences using: paisajista

Mi primo es un paisajista talentoso.

English translation of Mi primo es un paisajista talentoso.

My cousin is a talented landscape designer.

In this phrase, the word 'paisajista' is used in the context of referring to a person's profession. It translates to 'landscape designer' in English. The phrase mentions a related person (cousin) who possesses skills (talented) in landscape designing.

El paisajista está trabajando en un nuevo proyecto.

English translation of El paisajista está trabajando en un nuevo proyecto.

The landscape designer is working on a new project.

Here, 'paisajista' is used to refer to a person (the landscape designer) who is currently engaged in a task (working on a new project). In English, 'paisajista' is translated as 'landscape designer'. The context of the phrase suggests a professional scenario.

Necesito contratar a un buen paisajista para mi jardín.

English translation of Necesito contratar a un buen paisajista para mi jardín.

I need to hire a good landscape designer for my garden.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing a requirement for a 'paisajista' or 'landscape designer', particularly a good one, for their garden. The context indicates a planning or decision-making scenario where a professional service is being considered.

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