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paisaje volcánico

English translation of paisaje volcánico

volcanic landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje volcánico' translates to 'volcanic landscape' in English. This phrase is comprised of two parts. 'Paisaje' means 'landscape' or 'scenery' and 'volcánico' means 'volcanic'. Therefore, when put together, they refer to the landscape or scenery that is characterized by, formed from, or relates to volcanoes. This could refer to actual geographical and natural terrains that have been shaped by volcanic activity, and can include features such as lava fields, volcanic mountains, craters, and more.

Example sentences using: paisaje volcánico

El paisaje volcánico de la isla es impresionante.

English translation of El paisaje volcánico de la isla es impresionante.

The volcanic landscape of the island is impressive.

This sentence is commenting on the visually striking nature of the volcanic landscape on a particular island, using the adjective 'impressive' to describe it.

Caminar por un paisaje volcánico puede ser una experiencia única.

English translation of Caminar por un paisaje volcánico puede ser una experiencia única.

Walking through a volcanic landscape can be a unique experience.

This sentence expresses the idea that traversing a volcanic landscape can provide a unique experience, unlike other types of environments.

Este pintor es famoso por sus representaciones de paisajes volcánicos.

English translation of Este pintor es famoso por sus representaciones de paisajes volcánicos.

This painter is famous for his representations of volcanic landscapes.

This statement shares about a painter who is well-known for his artistic depictions of volcanic landscapes, indicating his specialization or preference in subject matter.

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