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paisaje urbano

English translation of paisaje urbano

urban landscape

The Spanish phrase 'paisaje urbano' translates to 'urban landscape' in English. It is often used to describe the physical features of a city or town including its buildings, roads, and other man-made structures. This can also refer to the general visual appearance of these areas, encompassing not just the physical elements but the arrangement and interplay between them. It is a common term in discussions about urban planning, architecture, and environmental studies.

Example sentences using: paisaje urbano

El paisaje urbano de Madrid es excepcional.

English translation of El paisaje urbano de Madrid es excepcional.

The urban landscape of Madrid is exceptional.

This sentence simply states that the cityscape of a particular city, in this case Madrid, is of notable quality or standard.

A veces, el ruido del paisaje urbano es abrumador.

English translation of A veces, el ruido del paisaje urbano es abrumador.

Sometimes, the noise of the urban landscape is overwhelming.

This sentence talks about the noise that is generally associated with cities or populated areas, suggesting it can often be overwhelming or too much to handle.

Los artistas a menudo encuentran inspiración en el paisaje urbano.

English translation of Los artistas a menudo encuentran inspiración en el paisaje urbano.

Artists often find inspiration in the urban landscape.

This sentence states that the cityscape or urban environment can often be a source of inspiration for artists, suggesting they find something interesting or provocative about such settings.

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