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paisaje tropical

English translation of paisaje tropical

tropical landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje tropical' translates to 'tropical landscape' in English. It typically refers to a type of geographical setting that exudes an exotic, humid, and lush aura generally found in tropical regions. These landscapes, often abundant with diverse forms of wildlife and vegetation, are usually located near the equator. Therefore, this term can represent pictures or descriptions of such landscapes in various contexts such as in literature, photography, painting, or even in travel planning.

Example sentences using: paisaje tropical

El paisaje tropical se reflejaba en sus ojos azules.

English translation of El paisaje tropical se reflejaba en sus ojos azules.

The tropical landscape was reflected in her blue eyes.

This sentence describes the tropic surroundings being so bright and intense that they appear to be reflected in someone's eyes, emphasizing the striking nature of the landscape.

Caminar por el paisaje tropical siempre me llena de energía.

English translation of Caminar por el paisaje tropical siempre me llena de energía.

Walking through the tropical landscape always fills me with energy.

This sentence conveys the speaker's personal feelings, stating that being in a tropical environment gives them a boost of vitality, likely due to the lushness and vibrancy of the setting.

Al mirar el paisaje tropical, su corazón anhelaba su hogar.

English translation of Al mirar el paisaje tropical, su corazón anhelaba su hogar.

Looking at the tropical landscape, her heart longed for her home.

In this sentence, the sight of the tropical surroundings evokes a strong desire in the subject to return home, implying that their homeland might share similar characteristics or that they are experiencing homesickness in this type of environment.

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