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paisaje rocoso

English translation of paisaje rocoso

rocky landscape

The term 'paisaje rocoso' in Spanish translates to 'rocky landscape' in English. It typically refers to areas dominated by visible and often large rock formations. These can occur naturally, in outdoor environments where weathering and erosion have exposed rocks on the surface. They can also be man-made, particularly in the context of rock gardens or similar landscaping features. The phrase can be used literally, to discuss geography and physical terrain, or metaphorically, to suggest a tough or challenging situation.

Example sentences using: paisaje rocoso

El paisaje rocoso en las montañas era impresionante.

English translation of El paisaje rocoso en las montañas era impresionante.

The rocky landscape in the mountains was impressive.

This sentence describes a mountainous area that is rocky and visually stunning. Such a description might be used while hiking or sightseeing in a mountainous region.

Después de la lluvia, el paisaje rocoso se veía aún más hermoso.

English translation of Después de la lluvia, el paisaje rocoso se veía aún más hermoso.

After the rain, the rocky landscape looked even more beautiful.

This sentence denotes how natural elements like rain can enhance the beauty of a rocky landscape. The phrase could be used to describe a post-rain scenario in an area with rocks and stones.

La luz del sol creaba sombras interesantes en el paisaje rocoso.

English translation of La luz del sol creaba sombras interesantes en el paisaje rocoso.

The sunlight created interesting shadows on the rocky landscape.

This sentence speaks about how the sunlight impacts a rocky landscape by creating shadows. It could be a comment made during a daytime outdoor activity in a rocky terrain.

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