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paisaje pintoresco

English translation of paisaje pintoresco

picturesque landscape

The term 'paisaje pintoresco' in Spanish translates to 'picturesque landscape' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe a scene or view that is artistically pleasant and charming, much like a picture. It refers to a landscape that is especially attractive and beauty-filled, typically because of its natural features like rolling hills, vibrant flower fields, beautiful trees, calm rivers, or majestic mountains. It might also be used to describe man-made beauty such as a quaint village or cityscape. This phrase is often used in travel descriptions or conversations about outdoor beauty.

Example sentences using: paisaje pintoresco

Durante nuestras vacaciones, disfrutamos mucho del paisaje pintoresco.

English translation of Durante nuestras vacaciones, disfrutamos mucho del paisaje pintoresco.

During our vacation, we greatly enjoyed the picturesque scenery.

This sentence refers to someone having an enjoyable experience while observing beautiful, scenic views during their vacation. The term 'paisaje pintoresco' is used to describe such natural beauty.

El libro describe un paisaje pintoresco en la campiña inglesa.

English translation of El libro describe un paisaje pintoresco en la campiña inglesa.

The book describes a picturesque scenery in the English countryside.

In this context, the author of the book is creating an image of a beautiful, pastoral setting in the reader’s mind by using the term 'paisaje pintoresco'. This term illustrates a charming, visually appealing landscape.

Fui a caminar y me encontré con un paisaje pintoresco.

English translation of Fui a caminar y me encontré con un paisaje pintoresco.

I went for a walk and came across a picturesque scenery.

This sentence explains a scenario where the speaker was out for a walk and came upon a stunning, visually appealing landscape. The term 'paisaje pintoresco' is used here to express the memorable setting the speaker encountered.

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