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English translation of página


In Spanish, 'página' is used to refer to a leaf or side of a leaf as in a book, manuscript, or letter. It somewhat matches the English context of 'page', which could be in a book, magazine, or website. For instance, you can say 'Por favor, voltea la página' which translates to 'Please, turn the page'. However, in the digital context (such as a website page), the term 'página web' is used.

Example sentences using: página

Abre la página tres del libro.

English translation of Abre la página tres del libro.

Open page three of the book.

In this example, 'página' is used in the context of a book. In Spanish, 'página' refers to a sheet of a book, magazine, or a website.

Estoy en la página de inicio de la web.

English translation of Estoy en la página de inicio de la web.

I am on the homepage of the website.

In this context, 'página' refers to a website's page. 'Página de inicio' is the Spanish phrase for homepage or landing page of a website.

Anota esto en la página de tu cuaderno.

English translation of Anota esto en la página de tu cuaderno.

Write this down on your notebook's page.

Here, 'página' is referring to a page in a notebook. In Spanish, when talking about pages in a book, notebook, or similar object, 'página' is the term used.

El artículo tiene cinco páginas.

English translation of El artículo tiene cinco páginas.

The article is five pages long.

In this sentence, 'páginas' (the plural form of página) refers to the length of an article, measuring the quantity of the pages it contains.

Marcó la página con un marcador de libros.

English translation of Marcó la página con un marcador de libros.

He bookmarked the page with a book marker.

In this context, 'página' refers to a particular page in a book that someone wants to remember or reference in the future.

Vuelve a la página anterior.

English translation of Vuelve a la página anterior.

Go back to the previous page.

'Página anterior' refers to the previous or preceding page in a book or on a website.

Pulsa aquí para cargar la siguiente página.

English translation of Pulsa aquí para cargar la siguiente página.

Click here to load the next page.

'Siguiente página' refers to the next page in a series, whether in a book, a document or on a web page.

La página está en blanco.

English translation of La página está en blanco.

The page is blank.

In this usage, 'página' applies to a blank page of a book, notebook, or document. When a 'página' is 'en blanco,' it means it has no writing or printing on it.

Encuentra la página en el índice.

English translation of Encuentra la página en el índice.

Find the page in the index.

Here, 'página' refers to a numbered page in a book. The 'índice' is the table of contents or index of a book, where you can find the page number of each chapter or section.

Guardó la página web para leerla más tarde.

English translation of Guardó la página web para leerla más tarde.

He saved the web page to read it later.

In this context, 'página' is used in the digital context. 'Página web' is the Spanish term for a single web page or site that someone can save to revisit at a later time.