Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

espectáculo apto para mayores de 18 años
show suitable for persons over 18 years of age

The Spanish phrase 'espectáculo apto para mayores de 18 años' translates to 'show suitable for persons over 18 years of age' in English. It is often used to describe events, performances, or shows that have age restrictions due to their content or nature, where only individuals who are 18 years old or older are permitted to attend or participate.

espectáculo apto para todos los públicos
show suitable for all audiences

The Spanish term 'espectáculo apto para todos los públicos' translates to 'show suitable for all audiences' in English. This phrase is commonly used in entertainment contexts, such as television, movies, theatre, and live performances, to describe content that is deemed appropriate and enjoyable for people of all age groups. It ensures viewers that the content has been regulated and does not contain inappropriate or harmful material. It can also be used in other contexts to mean something that is universally understandable or accessible.

espectáculo de juegos malabares
juggling show

The term 'espectáculo de juegos malabares' in Spanish is translated as 'juggling show' in English. This term is often used in the context of circus or street performances where one or more performers manipulate objects like balls, rings, or pins, usually throwing and catching them in a rhythmic and aesthetic manner. Such performances are meant to captivate the audiences with the performers' skill and dexterity, and sometimes include elements of danger or drama. Despite the literal translation, 'juggling show' can also be metaphorically used in English language to refer to situations where someone is managing a number of tasks or responsibilities at the same time.

espectáculo de marionetas
puppet show

The term 'espectáculo de marionetas' is a Spanish word which translates to 'puppet show' in English. A puppet show is a type of entertainment that includes story telling or performances by puppet characters. This is a form of theatre presented with puppets, often with the puppeteers being visible to or hidden from the audience.

espectáculo de mimo
mimo show

The phrase 'espectáculo de mimo' is a Spanish expression that translates to 'mime show' in English. This refers to a type of theatrical performance where an actor, referred to as a mime, uses gestures and body movements without the use of speech to tell a story or portray an idea. This type of show relies heavily on physical communication and is a form of entertainment enjoyed by individuals worldwide.

espectáculo deportivo
sports show

The term 'espectáculo deportivo' in Spanish translates to 'sports show' in English. This refers to any type of show or event that features sports as its central theme. It can range from a live broadcast of a football game to an elaborate gymnastics performance. The word 'espectáculo' specifically refers to a spectacle or show, and 'deportivo' refers to anything related to sports. Therefore, a 'espectáculo deportivo' is any event or program that showcases sports in a captivating and entertaining manner.


The Spanish word 'espectador' translates to 'spectator' in English. It is usually used to refer to a person who watches an event, show, game, action, or others without directly participating. The person observes the event from a distance. It might also refer to someone in the audience of a theater, movie, or a similar context where there are performers and viewers.


A mirror is an object that reflects an image. In the household context, people often use it to observe their own appearance, for grooming or admiring oneself.

Example sentences with  espejo

The Spanish word for 'hope' is 'esperanza'. It is a noun used in many of the same contexts as it is in English, such as to express a desire or anticipation for a certain outcome or event. It can also be a common female name in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  esperanza

The word 'esperanzas' is plural of 'esperanza', and is used in Spanish as in English, to express the expectation of a certain desired thing to happen. It can be used in various contexts, both in day-to-day conversations and in literature.

Example sentences with  esperanzas

In Spanish, 'esperar' is used when we want to express waiting. Just as in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts. For example: 'Esperar en la fila' (Wait in line), 'Esperar a alguien' (Wait for someone), or 'Esperar que algo suceda' (Wait for something to happen). It's also used to express hope or expectation e.g. 'Espero que estés bien' (I hope you're well).

Example sentences with  esperar
esperar un hijo
expecting a child

The Spanish phrase 'esperar un hijo' directly translates to 'expect a child' in English. It is commonly used to describe a situation where a person (or couple) is anticipating the birth of a child. For example, a pregnant woman or man whose partner is pregnant would use this phrase. It conveys not just the action of waiting, but also the excitement, hope, and preparation that come with the anticipation of a new baby.


The Spanish word 'espinacas' translates to 'spinach' in English. It is used to refer to a particular type of leafy green vegetable that is highly nutritious and can be cooked or eaten raw. It is included in both hot dishes such as soup, sautéed as a side dish, or part of a main dish, and in fresh dishes such as salads or sandwiches.


The Spanish word 'espirar' translates to 'breathe' in English. This is a verb which refers to the process of inhaling and exhaling air using the lungs. It is an essential action for life, providing necessary oxygen to the body and expelling carbon dioxide during the process. 'Espirar' is used in many phraseological contexts, similar to how 'breathe' is used in English, including literal breathing and figurative expressions.


The Spanish word 'espíritu' translates to 'spirit' in English. It is used in a variety of contexts, like referring to the inner character or quality of a person, such as 'espíritu de lucha' meaning 'fighting spirit'. Alternatively, it could refer to the non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character, the soul. Also in a religious context, it is often used to refer to a holy spirit or supernatural beings. Similarly, it is used in phrases to convey the underlying intention or ethos of something, as in 'espíritu de la ley' which means 'the spirit of the law'.

Example sentences with  espíritu

The Spanish word for 'wife' is 'esposa'. It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to a married woman, especially in relation to her spouse. It could be used in several contexts, such as introducing one's wife ('Esta es mi esposa') or speaking about one's wife ('Mi esposa es profesora'). It's important to note that it always needs to accord with the female gender, even in adjectival agreement.

Example sentences with  esposa

The word 'esposo' is used in Spanish to refer to a spouse who is a man or male partner in a marital relationship. The term 'esposo' is extensively used in both formal and colloquial contexts. Synonyms for 'esposo' can include 'marido' but 'esposo' is most universally understood.

Example sentences with  esposo
espuma de afeitar
shaving foam

Espuma de afeitar is a Spanish term that translates to 'shaving foam' in English. This substance, often presented in an aerosol can, is commonly used in the process of shaving. Its main purpose is to soften up the hair and skin, making it easier for the razor to glide across the skin and trim the hair without causing damage or discomfort. Additionally, the foam typically contains moisturizing and soothing elements that leave the skin smooth and hydrated after the process.

Example sentences with  espuma de afeitar

The Spanish word 'esquelético' translates into English as 'skeletal'. It is used as an adjective and often describes something that is very thin, like a skeleton, or something related to a skeleton. For example, in anatomy or in biological fields, 'esquelético' might refer to a system or structure that is skeletal, such as 'músculo esquelético' translates as 'skeletal muscle'.


The word 'esqueleto' in Spanish translates to 'skeleton' in English. A skeleton is the internal framework of bones within the body of a living organism. In Spanish, 'esqueleto' is commonly used in both scientific and casual contexts, just like its English counterpart, to refer to the structure that supports and protects an organism's body parts. This framework plays a crucial role in movement as it provides attachment points for muscles and capacities for internal organs. It is a frequently used term in biological and medical sciences, as well as in popular culture, arts, and literature, often conveying symbolic meanings.


The word 'esquiar' is a verb in Spanish, which translates to 'ski' in English. As in English, it can be used both in terms of the action of skiing and the sport itself. For example, similar to saying 'I love to ski' in English, in Spanish you would say 'Me encanta esquiar'. Note that, like all verbs in Spanish, 'esquiar' can be conjugated differently depending on the subject and tense.


The Spanish word 'esquíes' translates to 'skis' in English. 'Esquíes' is a noun, pronounced 'es-KEE-es', and it's typically used in the context of snow activities, winter sports or skiing equipment. As Spanish nouns are gendered, 'esquíes' is masculine and plural. For example, in a sentence, it could be used as 'Los esquíes están en el garaje', which means 'The skis are in the garage'.


The Spanish word 'esquina' translates to 'corner' in English. It is primarily used to describe the place or point where two or more edges, sides, or surfaces of something meet. In geography, it is used for the intersection of two streets. Its secondary usage can be in the context of a place or situation offering opportunities for privacy or concealment. To master its usage, try to use 'esquina' in your daily conversation while referring to corners.

Example sentences with  esquina
esta noche

The Spanish phrase 'esta noche' directly translates to 'this night' in English, but is commonly used to mean 'tonight'. It is often used in the context of discussing plans or events occurring in the evening of the current day. E.g. Vamos a cenar esta noche, translates to 'We are going to have dinner tonight.'

Example sentences with  esta noche
estabilidad laboral
Labour stability

The Spanish term 'estabilidad laboral' translates to 'labour stability' in English. It generally refers to the assurance or the state of having a secure employment that is less likely to be terminated or laid off suddenly without any valid and legal cause. This term is often used in discussions related to labour rights, employees' well-being, and job security scenarios. It is considered as an important factor for employees to have a steady income, improve their work performance and contribute positively to the company or organization they are part of.

establecer el contacto
establish contact

The phrase 'establecer el contacto' in Spanish translates to 'establish contact' in English. This is a verb phrase and can be used in various situations. It can refer to the process of initiating communication with someone, for example in the context of a business meeting or a phone call. In digital contexts, it might refer to the act of setting up a digital connection between two devices. The verb 'establecer' alone means 'to establish' and 'el contacto' means 'the contact'. Context will influence its specific meaning in use.

establecer la comunicación
establish communication

The Spanish phrase 'establecer la comunicación' translates to 'establish communication' in English. This term is used when initiating conversation or dialogue with another party. It's a formal phrase typically used in business settings or professional communication. It could mean starting a conversation, setting up channels for communication, or beginning a discussion.


The Spanish word 'establecimiento' translates to 'establishment' in English. This word can be used in various contexts including business, education, and more. For instance, it can refer to a place of business or a public or private institution. Similarly, the term can also indicate the act or process of establishing something or being established. In a legal context, it may refer to a formal declaration or settlement. It's a noun and is often used in formal contexts or official documentation.


The Spanish word 'establo' translates to 'stable' in English. In context, it refers to the building where domesticated animals, especially horses, are kept. It is often used in the context of farming and equestrian activities. It's essential to observe that the Spanish term 'establo' has a similar usage and meaning as the English term 'stable'. Therefore, one can understand and use it effortlessly in conversations related to farming, horse-riding, or country life in general.

Example sentences with  establo

An 'Estación' can refer to a bus or train station. It's a designated place where buses or trains stop to pick up or drop off passengers.

Example sentences with  estación
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