Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

escultura de barro
sculpture of clay

The Spanish phrase 'escultura de barro' translates to 'sculpture of clay' in English. This term refers to a piece of artwork that is created using clay as the main element. This type of sculpture can take on an array of shapes and sizes, depending on the artist's intentions. The clay, once molded and shaped, is often fired in a kiln to harden and preserve the artwork. These clay sculptures can be found in a variety of settings, including art galleries, museums, and private collections.

Example sentences with  escultura de barro
escultura de bronce
bronze sculpture

The Spanish term 'escultura de bronce' translates to 'bronze sculpture' in English. Bronze sculptures are a type of statuette, figurine, or three-dimensional representation that are made from the metal alloy known as bronze. This art form traces its roots back to ancient civilizations, where it was used for religious, political, and aesthetic purposes. Today, bronze sculptures are widely recognized for their durability and detailing, which allows artists to create intricate designs that are difficult to achieve with other materials. They can be found in various settings, including museums, parks, and private collections.

Example sentences with  escultura de bronce
escultura de mármol
marble sculpture

The Spanish phrase 'escultura de mármol' translates to 'marble sculpture' in English. A marble sculpture is a three-dimensional artwork made from marble, a type of durable stone often used in artistic carving. Marble sculptures have been created and admired for thousands of years due to marble's lasting nature and its natural beauty. Some of the world's most famous sculptures like Michelangelo's 'David' are made from marble.

Example sentences with  escultura de mármol

The Spanish word 'escupir' is a verb that translates to 'spit' in English. It is mostly used to describe the act of forcefully ejecting saliva or substance from one's mouth. It can also symbolize disdain or disrespect depending on the context in which it is used. In conjugal forms, it may change to 'escupo' for 'I spit', 'escupes' for 'you spit', among others.

escurrir la pasta
drain the pasta

The Spanish phrase 'escurrir la pasta' translates to 'drain the pasta' in English. This is a cooking instruction often used in recipes, particularly those involving pasta. When you boil pasta, it's cooked in water. Once the pasta is cooked to your liking, you would 'escurrir la pasta', or 'drain the pasta', to remove the excess water before adding other ingredients or sauces. It is a common phrase in cooking, and understanding it can help you follow Spanish recipes more easily.


The Spanish word 'esencia' translates to 'essence' in English. It is often used to describe the intrinsic or indispensable properties that characterize or identify something. Equivalent to the 'core' or 'heart' of an idea or object, 'esencia' refers to the fundamental nature or underlying quality of something.

Example sentences with  esencia

'Esfuerzo' refers to a vigorous or determined attempt. It is used to talk about the energy that you put into work or an activity you are trying to do.

Example sentences with  esfuerzo

The Spanish term 'esguince' translates into English as 'sprain'. A sprain is an injury to a ligament caused by tearing of the fibers of the ligament. This can occur due to a sudden twist or impact. The common areas for sprains are the ankle, wrist, knee and fingers. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty in using the affected joint. 'Esguince' is a common term used in medical Spanish.

Example sentences with  esguince

The Spanish word 'esmeralda' translates to 'emerald' in English. This word is often used to refer to the precious green gemstone, which is esteemed for its brilliant and rare green color. It can also refer to a deep, rich green color reminiscent of the gemstone. Additionally, 'Esmeralda' is utilized as a female name in many Spanish-speaking and Latin culture.

Example sentences with  esmeralda

In Spanish, 'eso' is used to represent something that is not near the speaker but not as removed as something that might be referenced using 'aquellos' or 'aquellas'. It is a demonstrative pronoun, acting not only as a pointer but as a noun replacement to avoid redundancy or over-specification. However, 'eso' is also used in an idiomatic or abstract sense to mean 'the thing is,' or 'that's the problem,' amongst other things.

Example sentences with  eso

The Spanish word 'esos' is used as a demonstrative adjective to indicate specific items, objects, people, or places that are at a certain distance from the speaker and listener. It can also be used as a pronoun in the absence of a noun. It corresponds to the English word 'those' and is often used in contexts such as 'those are my friends', in Spanish would be 'esos son mis amigos'. It's important to notice that 'esos' is suitable for masculine nouns, while 'esas' is used for feminine ones.

Example sentences with  esos

In Spanish, 'espacio' translates to 'space'. This could refer to physical space in a room or in the universe, the space between objects, or metaphorical space. Just as in English, it is used in a variety of contexts and can also refer to a blank part in a document, a period of time, or the capacity of a place.

Example sentences with  espacio
espacio exterior
outer space

The term 'espacio exterior' in Spanish translates to 'outer space' in English. Outer space is a vast expanse that exists beyond the atmosphere of celestial bodies, including the Earth. It is a vacuum filled with celestial bodies like galaxies, stars, and planets. The concept of 'space' is a significant part of study and exploration in the field of astronomy. 'Espacio exterior' conveys the same vastness and infinity in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  espacio exterior
espacio publicitario
advertising space

The Spanish term 'espacio publicitario' translates directly into English as 'advertising space'. This refers to any space, whether physical such as a billboard or digital such as a spot on a website, that is used to display advertisements or promotional content. The term can be applied across various platforms including print, broadcast, digital and outdoor media.


The Spanish word 'espacioso' translates to 'spacious' in English. It is often used to describe areas or objects that have ample space or capacity. This could be in reference to a large room, a piece of property, a vehicle, or any other structure that provides a lot of room or freedom to move.


The Spanish word 'espada' translates to 'sword' in English. It is a weapon with a long, sharp metal blade and a handle, which was used in the past by soldiers to fight their enemies. It depicts power, valor and nobility. Often used in traditional ceremonies, sports like fencing, and metaphorically represents cutting through problems and barriers in literature.

Example sentences with  espada

The word 'español' is a noun in Spanish language translated to English as 'Spanish'. 'Español' refers to the language that originated in Spain and is officially spoken in 21 countries today. It is the second most spoken first language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese.

adhesive plaster

The Spanish word 'esparadrapo' translates to 'adhesive plaster' in English. This term is typically used in medical contexts, referring to a strip of material with an adhesive substance, used for covering wounds or injuries. Like band-aids, adhesive plasters (esparadrapo) are a common item in first-aid kits. They protect the wound from dirt, harmful bacteria, and friction, which could potentially lead to even more damage than the initial injury.

Example sentences with  esparadrapo

The Spanish word 'especial' is used much like the English word 'special'. This adjective can be applied to people, things, or events that are unique, exceptional, or stand out in some way. Like in English, 'especial' can also refer to something designed for a particular purpose or occasion. Bear in mind, the word 'especial' must agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies.

Example sentences with  especial

The word 'especialista' is a noun in Spanish language. Its English equivalent is 'specialist'. It is commonly used to refer to someone who is an expert in a particular field or subject matter. Like for example, 'especialista en medicina' translates to 'specialist in medicine', denoting a person who has great deal of knowledge, skill, or expertise in the field of medicine.

Example sentences with  especialista
especialista en la materia
specialist in the field

The Spanish phrase 'especialista en la materia' translates to 'specialist in the field' in English. This phrase would typically be used in a professional or academic context to refer to someone who has an extensive amount of knowledge and expertise in a specific area or discipline. This person is considered a trusted source in their field and their opinions and insights are often highly valued.


In Spanish, 'especialmente' is used similarly to 'especially' in English. It is used to single out one person, thing, or situation over all others. It could also be used to mean 'particularly'. The usage of 'especialmente' largely depends on the context of the sentence.

Example sentences with  especialmente

The word 'especias' in Spanish can be translated to 'spices' in English. This noun is often used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to various kinds of aromatic substances, such as pepper, cinnamon, oregano, and nutmeg, which are used in cooking to enhance the flavor, color, or aroma of certain dishes. Much like in English, 'especias' can also be metaphorically used to describe additions of variety or interest.


The Spanish word 'especie' translates to 'species' in English. This term is most commonly used in the fields of biology and ecology. It refers to the largest group within a genus, sharing a pool of genetic information. For example, humans belong to the species 'Homo sapiens'. When translating Spanish to English, 'especie' should always be translated as 'species'.

Example sentences with  especie
especie autóctona
native species

In English, 'especie autóctona' translates to 'native species'. A native species is a type of animal, plant, or other organism that is indigenous to a particular area or region. It's naturally found and grown in that specific place, meaning that it hasn't been introduced or brought in from other locations. This term is frequently used in fields of study like ecology and biology, where the origin and natural habitat of species is significant.

Example sentences with  especie autóctona
especie en (peligro de) extinción
species in (danger)

The Spanish phrase 'especie en (peligro de) extinción' translates as 'species in (danger of) extinction' in English. A species in danger of extinction is one that is at risk of vanishing forever from our planet. This term is widely used in ecology to designate wildlife species that are threatened and on the verge of disappearing, often due to human activities such as deforestation, climate change, or hunting. Preserving species in danger of extinction is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.

Example sentences with  especie en (peligro de) extinción
especie protegida
protected species

The phrase 'especie protegida' from Spanish translates to 'protected species' in English. A protected species is a group of organisms, either plant, animal or both, which are safeguarded by law or other regulatory mechanisms due to their cultural, scientific, or ecological value. They are protected against certain human activities like hunting, habitat destruction, etc., to prevent their extinction or to help them recover if they are in danger.

Example sentences with  especie protegida
especie única
unique species

The Spanish phrase 'especie única' translates to 'unique species' in English. It is used in biology to refer to a species that is the only member of its genus or group. A unique species is not just merely uncommon or rare, but is so distinctively different from any other species that it stands alone in its uniqueness. It is often used in the context of biodiversity, conservation, and environmental science.

Example sentences with  especie única
especie vegetal
plant species

The Spanish phrase 'especie vegetal' translates to 'plant species' in English. Plant species is a term from the field of botany that refers to individual types of plants that share the same general characteristics and are capable of interbreeding. For example, all types of apple trees belong to the same species. In more general terms, the concept of species includes not only plants but also animals and microorganisms. When used in reference to plants, the term serves to classify and categorize the enormously diverse world of flora that exists on our planet.

Example sentences with  especie vegetal

The Spanish word 'específico' is used quite similarly to how 'specific' is used in English. It is mainly used to detail something exactly and precisely, especially when differentiating it from other things. It can be used in a variety of contexts including science, conversation, and writing.

Example sentences with  específico
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