Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

to write

'Escribir' corresponds to the act of writing, drawing or inscribing symbols on a surface for the purpose of communicating.

Example sentences with  escribir
escribir el currículum
write the resume

The Spanish phrase 'escribir el currículum' translates to 'write the resume' in English. It is used when someone is preparing a summary of their past work experience, skills, and education, typically for job applications. Just like in English-speaking countries, this document allows potential employers to review a candidate's qualifications for a position.

escribir un mensaje electrónico
write an email message

The Spanish phrase 'escribir un mensaje electrónico' translates to 'write an email message' in English. This is a verb phrase and often used in formal or informal communication scenario. 'Escribir' is a verb which means 'to write'. 'Un mensaje electrónico' stands for 'an email message'. So when combined together, it instructs someone to write an email. This phrase can be found in different settings such as workplaces, schools, and general day-to-day personal communication.

escribir una carta
write a letter

The Spanish phrase 'escribir una carta' translates to 'write a letter' in English. This is a common phrase that could be used in a variety of contexts, such as asking someone to write a letter or describing an action that one is taking. Like in English, the verb 'escribir' (to write) can be modified to indicate who is doing the action and when the action is taking place.

escribir una carta a mano
write a letter by hand

The Spanish phrase 'escribir una carta a mano' translates to 'write a letter by hand' in English. This phrase represents an action, specifically the physically hand-written communication through a letter. Usually, it refers to traditional correspondence, which is written on paper rather than typed on an electronic device. 'Escribir' means 'to write', 'una carta' means 'a letter', and 'a mano' means 'by hand'. Therefore, this act emphasizes the personal touch and effort put into the communication.

escribir una carta a máquina
write a letter to machine

The Spanish phrase 'escribir una carta a máquina' does not mean 'write a letter to machine' in English. Properly translated, it means 'to type a letter'. The verb 'escribir' means 'to write', 'una carta' means 'a letter', and 'a máquina' means 'with a machine' or 'by machine', indicating the use of a typewriter or computer. Therefore, the full translation does not involve writing a letter to a machine, but rather using a machine to write or type a letter.

escribir una carta a ordenador
write a letter to computer

The Spanish phrase 'escribir una carta a ordenador' translates to 'write a letter to computer' in English. In this context, 'escribir' means 'write', 'una carta' means 'a letter', and 'a ordenador' means 'to computer'. This phrase could be used in scenarios where you are instructing someone to draft a letter using a computer, where 'a ordenador' implies using the computer as a tool for writing the letter.

escribir una carta de presentación
write a presentation letter

The Spanish phrase 'escribir una carta de presentación' translates to 'write a presentation letter' in English. This phrase is often used in professional environments where introductions are necessary. It could be applied when one is applying for a job, introducing a proposal, or presenting oneself to a new group or organization. Mastery of this phrase can be highly beneficial in business or formal correspondences.

escribir una nota
write a note

The Spanish phrase 'escribir una nota' translates to 'write a note' in English. This phrase is often used in both informal and formal contexts, such as jotting down a quick message to a friend or writing a formal note at work. 'Escribir', the infinitive form of the verb 'write', can be conjugated depending on the subject and tense of the sentence. 'Una nota' remains the same, as it denotes a singular note.

escribir una postal
write a postcard

'Escribir una postal' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'write a postcard' in English. It is formed from the verb 'escribir', which means 'to write', and the phrase 'una postal', which means 'a postcard'. This phrase is generally used in the context of writing postcards for travel, holiday, or other special occasions. It's a great phrase to know if you plan to communicate via traditional mail while in a Spanish-speaking country.

escribir unas letras
write a few letters

The Spanish phrase 'escribir unas letras' translates to 'write a few letters' in English. This phrase can be used in multiple contexts. For instance, it could be used to refer to composing a few physical letters to send via mail, or metaphorically to suggest starting to write or work on a piece of writing. It might also be used in conversation to indicate the simple act of writing few alphabet letters on a paper for practice or demonstration.

escribir unas líneas
write some lines

The Spanish phrase 'escribir unas líneas' translates to 'write some lines' in English. This could be used in a variety of contexts, such as asking someone to write a few sentences or lines of a poem, story, or letter. The verb 'escribir' means 'to write', 'unas' is a form of 'uno' that can interpret as 'some', and 'líneas' is the plural of 'línea', which means 'line'. The instruction suggests to write not just a word or two but a few coherent sentences.


'Escritor' refers to a person who writes books, stories, or articles as a job. It's generally used to refer to a male writer.

Example sentences with  escritor
escritura creativa
creative writing

The term 'escritura creativa' in Spanish translates to 'creative writing' in English. In the broadest sense, creative writing can be considered any writing that is original and self-expressive, not confined to the forms of normal professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature. It usually involves creating narratives, characters, and a well-paced plot, often applied to the creation of novels, plays, poetry, screenplays, and more.

Example sentences with  escritura creativa
to listen

'Escuchar' is used for the action of paying attention to sounds or hearing something.

Example sentences with  escuchar
escuchar la radio
listen to the radio

The Spanish term 'escuchar la radio' translates to 'listen to the radio' in English. This phrase is typically used when you want to express or tell someone about your intention or act of tuning into a radio station for news, music, broadcasts, and other programs. Including 'escuchar', which means 'to listen', and 'la radio', which means 'the radio', the phrase can be used in various contexts relating to the use of a radio.

escuchar música
listen to music

The Spanish phrase 'escuchar música' translates to 'listen to music' in English. It is composed of 'escuchar', which means 'to listen', and 'música', which translates to 'music'. This expression is commonly used when you want to say that you are listening to music or you want someone else to listen to music. Just like in English, this phrase can be used in different contexts such as at a concert, while working, or during leisure activities.

escuchar un programa de radio
listen to a radio program

The Spanish phrase 'escuchar un programa de radio' translates to 'listen to a radio program' in English. This is a common phrase that might be used when someone wants to tell or ask someone else about tuning in to a specific broadcast on the radio. For example, if there is a particular radio show that someone enjoys, they might say 'escuchar un programa de radio' as a way of suggesting someone else should listen to it too.

escuchar una canción
listen to a song

The Spanish phrase 'escuchar una canción' translates to 'listen to a song' in English. This phrase is composed of three parts: 'escuchar' which is the verb 'listen', 'una' is the indefinite article 'a', and 'canción' is the noun 'song'. Therefore, when you 'escuchar una canción', you are choosing to listen to a specific song. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as when you want to command someone to 'Listen to a song', or inform others what you are doing, for example, 'I will listen to a song'.


Escuela is the Spanish term for school, a place where children go to learn.

Example sentences with  escuela
escuela de Arte Dramático
Dramatic Art School

The term 'escuela de Arte Dramático' in Spanish translates to 'Dramatic Art School' in English. It usually refers to an institution of learning specifically geared towards the study and practice of dramatic arts. This includes disciplines like theatre, acting, scriptwriting, directing, and stage design. The training at a Dramatic Art School is usually exhaustive and incorporates a hands-on approach to education. It offers students an opportunity to explore numerous creative outlets and helps to instill a deep understanding of the theatrical arts.

Example sentences with  escuela de Arte Dramático
escuela de ballet
ballet school

The Spanish term 'escuela de ballet' translates to 'ballet school' in English. It is a place where students learn ballet, a form of dance that originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century. A ballet school might offer training in the various techniques, styles, and history of ballet. It may also provide physical conditioning, performance skills, and opportunities to dance in recitals and productions.

escuela de Bellas Artes
School of Fine Arts

The 'escuela de Bellas Artes' translates to 'School of Fine Arts' in English. This term is used to refer to an educational institution where students are trained in various forms of visual, performance, or auditory art. Depending on the location, it can offer education in a wide range of arts including painting, sculpture, performing arts, singing, dancing, and even film or photography. 'Escuela de Bellas Artes' provides an arena for nurturing the creative passion and skills of the students, inspiring them to create masterpieces of artistic expression.

Example sentences with  escuela de Bellas Artes
escuela de idiomas
Language school

The Spanish phrase 'escuela de idiomas' translates to 'language school' in English. This term is used to identify an educational institution where one or more foreign languages are taught. These schools provide language courses that are designed to enhance the listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills of the learners in a particular foreign language. These schools may also offer study material, resources and activities to aid language learning.

escuela de música
Music school

The term 'escuela de música' is a Spanish phrase that translates into English as 'music school'. A music school is an educational institution specialized in studying, training and researching about music. Such an organization can be as small as a school of music held in a teacher's private home, or as large as a university level conservatory.

escuela filosófica
Philosophical School

The Spanish term 'escuela filosófica' translates to 'philosophical school' in English. In a broad sense, a 'philosophical school' refers to a group or movement whose members share common characteristics and ideas within the field of philosophy. These groups often have unique beliefs, methods, and philosophical approaches. They play a significant role in shaping intellectual thought and discussions.

Example sentences with  escuela filosófica
escuela literario
Literary school

The term 'escuela literario' in Spanish translates to 'literary school' in English. This phrase is generally used to refer to a group of writers and other artists who share common stylistic, thematic, and philosophical tendencies and ideas, often in a specific historical period. These shared elements form a foundation of their work, effectively creating a 'school' of thought or artistic approach. The term is also used in a more literal sense to refer to educational institutions where literature is a primary subject of study.

Example sentences with  escuela literario
esculpir en escayola
sculpt in plaster

The Spanish phrase 'esculpir en escayola' translates to 'sculpt in plaster' in English. This verb phrase refers to the artistic process of molding materials, specifically plaster, into desired shapes or forms. This is a technique often employed by artists and craftsmen like sculptors and architects. The action requires specialized tools and skills to manipulate the said material. In a sentence, it can be used as: 'El artista está esculpiendo una figura en escayola', which translates to 'The artist is sculpting a figure in plaster'.

Example sentences with  esculpir en escayola
esculpir en yeso
sculpt in plaster

The Spanish phrase 'esculpir en yeso' translates to 'sculpt in plaster' in English. This refers to the process of creating a three-dimensional artwork by carving or shaping a plaster material. The plaster is first prepared and then shaped using various tools. Once the sculpture has been properly formed, it is left to dry and harden. This art form is utilized in various fields, including architecture, art and decorative designs, among others.

Example sentences with  esculpir en yeso

The Spanish word 'escultor' translates to 'sculptor' in English. A sculptor is an artist who shapes materials such as wood, stone, or metal into a particular form. They use various methods including carving, chiselling, moulding, casting, and welding to create their artworks. Similarly, an 'escultor' in Spanish-speaking cultures would perform these same tasks, creating intricate works of art from raw materials.

Example sentences with  escultor
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