Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'episodio' directly translates to 'episode' in English. The term is generally used to refer to a distinct portion or segment within a more comprehensive text, story, or sequence of events, often within a serialized form of narrative like a TV show or radio program. 'Episodio' can also refer to a distinctive or significant occurrence or event within a series of related events or happenings.


The term 'equipaje' refers to 'luggage' in English. It implies personal belongings packed in suitcases for traveling.

Example sentences with  equipaje

The Spanish term 'equipamiento' translates to 'equipment' in English. This term refers to the necessary items for a particular purpose. For example, the 'equipamiento' needed for a kitchen might include an oven, a stove, and a refrigerator. It can also be used in the context of a professional environment. For instance, the 'equipamiento' needed for a doctor's office might include medical instruments, diagnostic machines, and office furniture.

Example sentences with  equipamiento

In Spanish, the word 'equipo' is used to refer to a group of people who work together or play together in a sporting context, just like in English. For example, you can say 'Soy parte del equipo' meaning 'I am part of the team'. Just like English, it could refer both to a sports team or a team in a work environment.

Example sentences with  equipo
equipo de baloncesto
basketball team

The Spanish phrase 'equipo de baloncesto' translates to 'basketball team' in English. This term refers to a group of players, typically 5 on the court at a time, who work together in the sport of basketball. These teams can vary in level from amateur to professional, and include both men's and women's teams. In a game, they compete against each other to score points by getting a ball into the opposing team's basket.

equipo de fútbol
football team

The Spanish phrase 'equipo de fútbol' translates to 'football team' in English. A 'football team' is a group or a squad of players unified by the same goal of winning a match of football - a popular sport played worldwide. The term is universally used in sports and could be professional or amateur football players who train and play together. The term 'equipo de fútbol' carries the same meaning and usage in Spanish-speaking cultures and nations.

equipo de música
stereo system

The Spanish term 'equipo de música' translates to 'stereo system' in English. A stereo system is a set of equipment that allows the playback of audio from various sources like radio, compact disc (CD), cassette, or digital audio files. It often includes speakers, an amplifier, and a source playback device. In a broader context, it is also used to refer to home audio systems and professional audio systems.

equipo informático
computer equipment

The Spanish term 'equipo informático' refers to what is known in English as 'computer equipment'. This can encompass a variety of devices and components that are part of a computer system or used in conjunction with it. The 'equipo informático' might include the computer itself, along with peripheral devices such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer. It can also refer to internal components like the hard drive, CPU, memory modules, and graphics card. Networking equipment such as routers and servers can also be part of the 'equipo informático'.


The Spanish word 'equivocado' is usually used to mean 'wrong' or 'mistaken'. It is typically used to describe someone who has a wrong understanding or has done something incorrectly. It can be used in various contexts, such as in giving directions ('estás equivocado, el banco no está por aquí' which means 'you are wrong, the bank is not this way'), or in debates to contradict someone's statement ('estás equivocado, eso no es correcto' which means 'you are wrong, that is not correct').

Example sentences with  equivocado

The Spanish verb 'equivocarse' translates into English as 'to make a mistake'. It is often used when someone is incorrect or mistaken in their actions, decisions or statements. Like many Spanish verbs, it can be conjugated according to tense, mood and the personal pronoun. In English though, we need to use auxiliary words like 'to make' or 'making' before 'mistake' to convey the act of making a mistake, whereas 'equivocarse' itself implies action.

erupción volcánica
volcanic eruption

The Spanish term 'erupción volcánica' translates to 'volcanic eruption' in English. This refers to the explosion or violent release of substances from a volcano, such as hot magma, gases, ash, and rock fragments. In a larger context, it can be associated with various geological phenomena and natural disasters. This term is commonly used in physical geography and earth science discussions. Learning its English counterpart aids in better understanding and communication in these fields.

Example sentences with  erupción volcánica
escalada (en roca)
to (rock) climb

The Spanish term 'escalada (en roca)' translates to '(rock) climb' in English. This can be understood as the activity of climbing up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a designated route. Rock climbing is not just a physical challenge but also a mental one, as it often involves problem-solving and strategic thinking.

Example sentences with  escalada (en roca)

The Spanish word 'escalador' translates to 'climber' in English. It is a noun that can be used to reference someone who engages in the activity of climbing, be it mountains, rocks or other high steep surfaces for sport or recreation. 'Escalador' is used in many Spanish-speaking nations, all with the similar meaning. Application of the term remains balanced in both regular and specific instances, such as referring to sport or mountaineering enthusiasts.

Example sentences with  escalador

The Spanish verb 'escalar' translates to 'scale' in English. It possesses various interpretations in different contexts but primarily is used to denote the act of climbing or ascending, particularly used in scenarios involving mountains or some type of vertical or steep terrain. Metaphorically, it can also represent the concept of gradually growing or increasing in terms of levels or rankings.

Example sentences with  escalar

The Spanish word 'escalera' translates to 'stairs' in English. It is a common noun and is used to refer to a set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another. It is also used to denote any set of steps or stages that are said to resemble or lead up like stairs. Thus, it is widely used in different contexts in everyday language.

escalera de incendios
Fire escape

The Spanish phrase 'escalera de incendios' translates to 'fire escape' in English. This term describes a special kind of staircase, usually made of metal and found on the exterior of a building. A fire escape is designed as a safety measure and provides an alternative exit in the event of fire or other emergencies when the regular exit pathways are blocked.

escaleras mecánicas

The Spanish phrase 'escaleras mecánicas' translates to 'escalators' in English. An escalator is a moving staircase, a conveyor transport device for carrying people between floors of a building. The device consists of a motor-driven chain of individual, linked steps that move up or down on tracks, allowing the step treads to remain horizontal.


The Spanish word 'escáner' translates directly into 'scanner' in English. It is a noun used to define a device that scans documents and converts them into digital data. In a broader application, 'escáner' can also refer to a device or a procedure used to scan or examine something in detail, such as medical or security scanners.

Example sentences with  escáner

The word 'escayola' in Spanish refers to a white powdery substance that is combined with water to form a paste. This paste is then used to create hard covers for broken limbs or to cover walls and ceilings, similar to what 'plaster' does in English. It is a common material used in construction and medical field both in English and Spanish contexts.


The Spanish word 'escayolar' is a verb, which when translated into English, means 'to plaster'. Its use typically involves the context of construction and medical fields. In the construction context, 'escayolar' refers to the act of applying plaster on walls for smooth finish or decorative purposes. In the medical context, 'escayolar' describes the act of putting a plaster cast on a fracture or broken limb.

Example sentences with  escayolar

The term 'escena' is used to refer to a sequence of continuous action in a movie, play, opera, or book. It's a significant building block of a storyline.

Example sentences with  escena

The Spanish word 'escenario' is equivalent to the English word 'stage'. This term is commonly used in theater or performance settings where actors, singers, or other performers present their work. The usage is almost the same as in English, often referring to a specific platform or area designed for performances. However, it can also refer to the backdrop or setting of a particular situation or event.

Example sentences with  escenario
escenificar una obra teatral
to stage a play

The Spanish phrase 'escenificar una obra teatral' translates to 'to stage a play' in English. This phrase comprises of three words: 'escenificar', which means to stage; 'una', an indefinite article that means 'a'; and 'obra teatral', which translates to 'play'. This phrase is typically used in the context of theater productions, where a play is set up and performed on stage.

Example sentences with  escenificar una obra teatral

The word 'escoba' refers to a household tool that is used for sweeping. It is typically made up of a long handle that is directly connected to firmer bristles. This domestic tool is used in cleaning to collect dirt and dust from floors. In English, 'escoba' is translated as 'broom'.


The information you have is incorrect. 'Escocer' does not mean Scotch in English. It is a Spanish verb that typically translates to 'to sting', 'to smart', or 'to burn' in English. These translations point out the sensation one may feel on the skin when a wound or cut is irritated. However, it can also refer to emotional hurt. The word is used in various contexts, depending on the situation.

Example sentences with  escocer
escoger un compañero
choose a partner

The Spanish phrase 'escoger un compañero' translates to 'choose a partner' in English. This phrase might be commonly used in a wide range of contexts, from school settings where students are asked to partner up for assignments or activities, to social scenarios where someone might need to select a dance or business partner. Note, 'escoger' means 'choose', 'un' translates to 'a', and 'compañero' can mean a companion, partner, or mate.

escoger un libro
choose a book

The Spanish phrase 'escoger un libro' translates to 'choose a book' in English. This phrase is often used in libraries, bookshops, or any context where one needs to make a selection of a book from many available options. Escoger is an infinitive form of the verb in Spanish that indicates the action of selecting or picking something, and 'un libro' means a book. Therefore, 'escoger un libro' implies the action of choosing or picking a book.

escoger un tema
choosing a theme

The Spanish phrase 'escoger un tema' translates to 'choosing a theme' in English. It is used in contexts where you need to select a specific subject or motif, like in choosing a theme for a party, a piece of writing, a discussion, etc. Like English, the verb 'escoger' can imply careful thought, though not always. The noun 'tema' can refer to various types of 'themes', from a thematic topic in a meeting, to a musical theme, and even the central idea of a literary work.


The Spanish word 'escolar' is an adjective that refers to anything related to school. Common uses include defining a year, uniform, or a day as school-related. For example, 'año escolar' translates to 'school year', 'uniforme escolar' means 'school uniform', 'día escolar' becomes 'school day' in English. However, it's crucial to remember that the noun 'school' is translated as 'escuela' in Spanish, not as 'escolar'.


The Spanish word 'escotado' is an adjective in English referred to as 'low-cut'. It is generally used to describe clothing such as dresses, blouses, or shirts, mainly women attire, which has a low neckline extensively exposing the neck, chest, and often cleavage. It is a term used in the fashion industry for the design of clothes and is synonymous with terms like 'decote'.?

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